Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Just wanted to do Little Joey a favor and point out the most glaring mistake in his recent diatribe against the Chief of Police.
As to not copyrighter infringe upon Joey, please allow me to paraphrase this latest beauty from Little Joey:
“The Man is trying to railroad me on this harassment case the Chief is slowly building like they did in the Zoo harassment case.”
Now, this could just be me and my crazy “liberal” reasoning, but I would think that a wise man would not choose to defend himself from accusations of harassment by comparing the new harassment charges to that of an older set of harassment charges that was placed on the Stet Docket. (We are not even going to get into that discussion again Joey, you are in essence guilty but were put into a sort of PBJ program for first time offenders.)
Now, I am no fan of Police and in particular the Chief of Police of Salisbury, but that does not mean that I would ever intentionally provoke a man wearing a badge. Like tugging on Superman’s cape and spitting in the wind, threatening the Chief of Police (especially when you are all talk) is not a smart thing to do. What is next, threatening the President?
You are in essence forcing to the forefront of everyone’s mind the fact that harassment and intimidation is a recurring M.O. of behavior for yourself. And if these newer charges are just “like” the older charges, then you have just admitted to everyone that you are guilty right out of the gate. You may have some weak reasoning as to why it is ok to libel and threaten a Chief of Police (and a Mayor, a Zoo Director, a City Council President and Vice-President, a geriatric blogger, your former attorney, etc.) like you did with the zoo incident, but in society it is not acceptable to behave in such a menacing and libelous manner without repercussions regardless of any real or imagined slight or provocation.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Little Joey continues to stomp his feet up and down in defiant frustration at the Daily Times, completely mystified as to why they will not take up his cause in slandering everyone who dares to stand in the way of his vindictive pursuits. The most common rant that we have been exposed to, both on his website and through repetitive postings on the newspaper’s message boards, has been the publishing of embarrassing personal information about City Council Vice-President Comegys. Joey recently asked incredulously into why the Daily Times would print a story about a Delaware (Joey’s state! Another example he is aware of it’s existence) representative’s son who recently caused a commotion at a local bar. In Little Joey’s mind it is pretty clear that the mention of relationship between the bar patron and the representative should be the same as mentioning legal troubles from years ago for a sitting representative.
Now, I am not an expert on journalism, but it appears pretty obvious to me that Mr. Racial Sensitivity- Little Joey is trying to fit a round hole into a square peg on this one. The most obvious difference to me is that this is a current event that they have deemed worthy of reporting on. This is not something from years ago that would merely embarrass the candidate, but in actual event that will be unfolding throughout the coming weeks. There is also the problem of clarity in that the last name is the same and the location sounds about right for some people to mistakenly believe that it is the representative that caused the hoopla at the bar.
News organizations that print information from the past for sensationalism and controversy are merely tabloids. While the Daily Times clearly lacks intellectual credibility due to the numerous spell check failures, it is not time to throw in the towel on their decency just yet. Joey’s decency on the other hand…
Joey, you want to be considered MSM but cannot even realize the different between news and libelous attacks to further an agenda.
On a related note: Quit referring to yourself as MSM, as it is infuriatingly ignorant. Not that you want to be taken seriously, but for the fact that blogs, even legitimate ones, are not considered mainstream media. Mainstream media utilizes fact-checking and decency, as well as a balanced outlook, none of which your site contains. You sound like a complete ass in your fight to be considered mainstream. The term you are grasping for is- Legitimate News Source. You, like the child in a diaper who throws a temper tantrum in his desire to be considered a “big boy”, have yet to realize that no matter how hard you demand to be considered as such, will not be allowed to designate yourself whatever you desire. Now, you can walk around and tell everybody that you are a “big boy” with your own legitimate blog site, and some people may condescendingly pat you on the head and agree, but that does not make you a “big boy”. You are still a little boy who cannot control his own urges and does not take responsibility for his own actions. Now go get your diaper changed and I will take you to the zoo if you are a good boy. On second thought….
Friday, April 20, 2007
Employing the "My brother married a minority, therefore I am not a racist defense", Joey went so far as to break out a family picture (now with extra soft light!) to show what a great guy that he is. Of course, in typical Joey fashion, this had nothing to do with the point at hand in that he tried to compare his being called a racial tinged insult to that of a black person being called the same.
It has nothing to do with the race baiting in his post.
And it especially has nothing to do with his faulty reasoning in accusing the former Mayor of Delmar of being a racist for a post that an annoymous person has made.
I am just surprised that Little Joey did not find a way to pin this on Mayor Tilghman as well, but rest assured, I am sure he is on the case. See if you can tie the whole Imus controversy into being her fault as well. Crack that case Joey!
(Did anyone else notice the weird tone that Joey took in describing his sister in law? Going out of his way to explain how highly he thinks of her, because in Joey's mind it is not normal to assume that a black person could be a good wife and mother, so it needs to be explained and literarly stated for the record? I kept expecting the next sentence to have a gushing statement along the lines of complimenting her on her "good hair".)
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
An Open Letter Response to Mr. Racial Sensitivity- Little Joey in Response to His Comments,
First of all I would like to compliment you on the recent growing of balls that you have experienced. Welcome to Manhood. Thank you for finally responding to this blog unencumbered by the restraints of your many pseudonyms. However, it is unfortunate that you have chosen this blessed opportunity to come out of the closet to prove an IDIOT of yourself once again. Please allow me to correct you once again on the many points that you did not comprehend in my post. For your convenience and comprehension, I will use bullets to address each of yours.
* First off, please forgive me for the 5 whole paragraphs. I know that is a lot for you to read and comprehend all at once. If you managed to do it all in one sitting, I applaud your due diligence. I will try to write in shorter sentences for you next time.
* As I assumed was clearly stated in the post, it is my opinion that the post was hidden amongst an old post on a little read blog. I made no defense of the comment on your family. For someone who constantly attacks others, I find it hypocritical that you take offense to a similar personal attack.
* With regards to my identity, I will address that at the end.
* You are man enough to stand up for your family? You are puffing out your chest about a throw away, lame comment that nobody would have noticed if you were not to have thrown a hissy fit about it. Your behavior on your blog and throughout the Eastern Shore does worse for the reputation of your family than a lame joke ever would. And you are mistaken and I suggest that you re-read my blog- my blog has nothing to do with your family, only you. Maybe I need to do a better and more thorough job in presenting my opinion if you do not understand the basic thought behind my blog- that you are a complete and dangerous man who needs to be stopped. You have driven a wedge into a community that is not your own and you are on the verge of driving a wedge into said previous wedge, a task that is not in and of itself easily accomplished. You try to pass yourself off as a good guy, but you are a horrible man that is driven by a selfish spitefulness.
* For the record that only comment I have made about your family has been that they should be off limits. It is not your wife’s fault that she married an idiot.
* In regards to identity, I should state that GP has made it clear who he is, and you are aware of that, so it is once again intellectually dishonest of you to try to throw that in there. Part of the reason these blogs are so vital is that you are so full of shit and do not censor what you put out there as I am sure you are a guy that does not get called on his bullshit often, therefore you eventually begin to believe the lies that you spew. If you read around the blogs, and I know that you do obsessively, you will be exposed to many facts about myself that I have exposed. My identity is of no consequence and 99% of the people reading these blogs would have no idea about who I am. My anonymity allows me to criticize you in search of the truth without fear that you will libel me as you have so many other bloggers. Without easily being able to libel me into submission by stooping into the gutter, you are forced to instead deal with what I say and my opinions. But, obviously you are not intelligent enough to maturely debate your opinions using fact and logic, as you have ignored my requests to debate your bombastic hyperbole. Your response is a perfect example of your bullshit in that you did not even address any of the points in my original post whatsoever, but instead chose to attack me about something that has nothing to do with what I wrote.
Somebody made a slightly crude comment about your family that is indistinguishable from all the other comments that you have brought on yourself through your disgusting antics and sounds like something that you would say about one of the many people you have a vendetta against. That has nothing to do with the fact that you regularly libel, threaten, and smear people who disagree with you. It has nothing to do with the fact that you tried to tie this comment into some racial slur against your oppressed white family. It has nothing to do with your lame race-baiting attempt to draw similarities between yourself and African-Americans.
As a black man, I would hope that you have big enough balls to answer.
For a man who has risen to prominence through old fashioned hustle and slander, both through pseudonyms and in the encouragement of libelous comments, Little Joey sure has selectively thin skin. In a stunning turn of events, the straw the broke the camels back for Joey was an old ex-Mayor of Delmar who runs a quaint but seldom commented on blog about Delmar. There are two shocking inferences that can be drawn from this lashing out:
*Joey is actually aware of an existing blogging community in his own hometown and cares enough to read sites that have nothing to do with bashing the Mayor (of Salisbury).
*Of all the horrible things that have been said about Little Joey (most of the true), it is surprising that a simple unfunny and nonsensical comment identifying his family as “nappy headed hos” has set him off so much. After everything, this is what makes him put his foot down?
The real reason that I believe this comment set off Little Joey was that this caps off an impressive streak of verbally attacking and threatening 3 senior citizens within a span of 48 hours. It sure is easy to be a big tough bully when your targets are eligible for social security. Is he going to go around stealing walkers next? Guard the local old folks homes before Little Joey decides to go on another rampage.
The funniest part of that diatribe had to do with the racial indignation that Joey threw in there. How dare this ex-Mayor insult the Albero’s by comparing them to black people on s little-read blog.
Since when did Little Joey become Mr. Racial Sensitivity? The man is an avowed sexist and homophobic, but is suddenly offended personally by a racial comment directed towards him? I do not have the information in front of me, but I know that Little Joey has made racists comments before, with a racially insensitive post about Hispanics literally right underneath his holier than thou attack against the Delmar Dustpan. I also know that while he has not said anything blatantly racist about Councilwoman Shields, his posts appear to me to be teetering on the line and threaten to turn racist at any moment.
As far as I can tell, I am the closest thing to a black representative on these blogs, so on behalf of the black community I would like to ask Mr. Racial Sensitivity-Little Joey (as he shall be known until I get tired of typing that much) to refrain from proposing that his being referred to as a “nappy headed ho” holds the same offensiveness as it does towards the African-American community. I would also ask that he quit being so literarily lazy and intellectually dishonest in trying to garner sympathy through race baiting.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
I am posting this to encourage honest debate.
By the time this gets posted and read by those who actually enjoy these posts and my dead-on opinions, the election will most likely have passed, so I feel as though I can post some feelings on the election without being accused of being a surrogate of the Mayor. If I were to be carrying water for the Mayor and Council in hopes of effecting the election I would have posted this much sooner. Hopefully that is the end of that nonsense.
I want to start this post with a little bit of scolding to all the bloggers out there that have posted on the upcoming election and the candidates. I would say that with the exception of one blogger, all the other blogs have posted in my opinion completely irresponsible and immature in their coverage. ( I guess I should give props to Monoblogue for keeping it respectful and on the issues as best as possible. He actually had the balls to go up against Joey. The fact that people kept wanting to talk about Bubba’s personal life and cared less about the facts is proof of how low the campaign dropped. However, he is still a Republican nut job and not to be trusted, as that remains unchanged.)
I am continuously impressed about the blogging community on the Eastern Shore and how active it is. Unusually incorrect seeing as how it is mainly conservative, but impressively active. While many of the mess on the blogs can be attributed to the commentators (many undoubtedly one of Joey’s pseudonyms), I have been disappointed to see the maturity level drop when city politics has come up.
To me it is the sports radio/cable television talking heads mindset that pervades our society. Everybody picks a side (oftentimes around here it is one political party), digs in and will do anything to “win” in the end. Hypocrisy is pervasive. Nobody will acknowledge when somebody else makes a valid point and will not acknowledge that there may be two correct opinions. It is a pervasive attitude of “My way or the highway”. This is an example of Joey’s attitude further infecting Salisbury and nobody moving to stop it.
What is even worse is the lowbrow discussion. I am sorry, but I do not believe that personal lives should be discussed so much on these blogs. The worst offender is of course is Little Joey, but Delmarva Dealings and Duvafiles have really been slumming in the gutter the past couple of days, followed by horribly offensive personal remarks by the commentators.
(Interesting side note: The Professor appears to have ceased posting on Duvafiles, most likely because dissention was allowed and she was corrected on her absurd behavior. Duvafiles and Gunpowder may have disappointed me by their lack of maturity, but they are at least allowing for rebuttal. “Joey’s Side” obviously cannot intelligently stand up for themselves and just want to surround themselves with backslapping sycophants.)
I just want to go through a couple of thoughts for the record that I would like to get out there, and I invite any “anti- Mayor” commenter out there to debate me.
*For the record, I believe that Spies, Cohen and Smith did not run a clean campaign as suggested. When you have a vital and active member of your campaign on a constant promote and smear mission for the past month, you need to be held responsible. This wasn’t a rogue supporter sending out a flier, this was someone who went out everyday hoping to affect the election. I challenge anyone to defend any of his actions or posts as “clean campaigning”.
*I believe that as they have not spoken out against Joey’s behavior and instead have invited him into their camps, they are complicit in his behavior and it should be reflected on their character. Someone stated that they were using him at an arm’s length and will drop him after the election. I disagree because that is what they said about Sheriff Lewis, and he still appears to be buddy buddy with Joey. I challenge someone to produce a convincing argument in why their characters should not be questioned due to their association with Little Joey?
*In regards to comments that Comegy’s ran a dirty campaign, I would counter to the contrary. There was no blogging from his supporters that I saw, much less negative personal attacks which were prevalent from the Spies, Cohen, Smith campaign. Show me even one instance of his campaign being dirty?
*On the issue of Bubba’s (I will call him Bubba from here on out because his name is annoying to type) wife and her actions. I did not understand the big deal about this. (This issue I refer to of course is her behavior, not Pengate, which I have already addressed as being wrong). Do you not realize that she is being tormented by Little Joey’s camera? How would you respond to his behavior (of which no Candidate has condemned)? How would you like to have a camera constantly trained on you, awaiting an off moment to be captured and placed on his widely read blog to be held up to redicule? Why did nobody mention this?
*There has also been much made of the SAPOA letter. I found it very deceitful that this was tied to Bubba. They are an organization that has their own agenda, they are not a mouthpiece of the Mayor. They are out for what is best for them. To me everything in the letter is correct, and I find it laughable that the candidates denounced it so vehemently as opposed to wearing it as a badge of honor. One of the only troubling things from the candidates (besides their allegiance to Little Joey) was this blatant lie to the citizens. They are from the Camden area and will more definitely be making moves to not only regulate the rental industry but to try to retract the rentals from their neighborhoods.
*The main issue of course that I had problems with were the constant dredging up of the public record of Bubba. Real quick”
-Child Support: Non-issue to me. We have all heard of those horrible divorces where the woman goes crazy after the ex. Michael Strahan from the Giants was just recently taken to court for child support issues. Of course he had just paid his wife about $6 million, as well as the mansion, but was technically owed another payment of about $7million within a couple months of the initial payment. Now technically in the eyes of the law, Strahan was not supporting his children, but was he really a neglectful father or a bad person? Now I doubt Bubba has to pay a $15 million dollar settlement, but that is just an example of how vengeful ex’s use the court system to punish innocent people. Why did no one bring this up, only piling on about him being a bad man? Where is the rational discussion?
-Bankruptcy: To me this is a stretch in its relevance. I can be persuaded either way on it. The fact that it happened in 1989 has me leaning towards no so relevant. It is town council, how deep do citizens have the right to dig? Do we need to start doing credit checks on candidates? Are we going to implement a minimum salary for candidates? I can be convinced either way on this issue, but what I cannot be convinced is that it needs to be constantly discussed. After awhile it meant to me that they couldn’t not find anything on Bubba, and they instead needed to go back almost 20 years to find something and take it out of context.
The main point is, why does nobody call anyone else on the bullshit that is being spewed? Why does everyone just want to just slap each other on the back and reinforce what they already think, without wanting to know the truth. Nobody wants to step outside of their sphere of influence and get to the truth. That leads me to believe that bad things lie ahead for the citizens of Salisbury as they just want to back “their guy”. There is talk of a new 4-1 majority on council, showing their desire to continue this us vs them nonsense. It doesn’t matter who is right, but as long as you don’t agree with the “bad’ guy.
Just look at what happened on that Robinson guys site. He stated that he had respect for both the Mayor and Councilwoman Campbell and commentator’s heads almost exploded. They couldn’t begin to fathom who someone could like BOTH women. He was also given a hard time when he tried to be fair and respectful to all the candidates. He has since turned in his balls and is now firmly in bed with Little Joey, someone who is notoriously close-minded. We need more people with balls to stand up for the truth and civil discourse and not fall into the picking of sides. Who has the balls?