Me Thinketh the Lady Doth Protesteth Too Much
Albero is out in full force denying that he has any hand whatsoever in any decision to attack the zoo. Although, in typical pussy-fashion, Joey decides to keep the debate on his severely censored website and only to go after Robinson who is possibly the worst debater ever. (But at least props for having the balls to put this idea into the wide open. Now let us see if you have the balls to give me credit.).
Do you really think that the Councilwomen would consider this and discuss cuts to the zoo without input from Little Joey? Do they expect us to believe that all of this was decided completely independent of Joey? Do you think Joey would not want a say in cuts?
The more Joey goes on about how great an idea it is and how he has all the “facts”, the more suspicious I am of the Councilwomens' plan and the genesis of the idea.
Also, the Alberobots are out in full force talking about how Robinson has defamed Cohen and Campbell, and they are demanding an apology. One commentator on Little Joey’s site went so far as to stress their closeness to the Councilwomen before insinuating that a lawsuit was around the corner. (Apparently for Joey’s bluster about public figures unable to take criticism, the Councilwomen appear to be especially sensitive when the shoe is on the other foot and they are held accountable for their actions. If they cant even take accountability, then just wait until I start spreading the Alberoesque rumor that they once were the traveling groupies with the Charlie Daniels Band in the 70s.)
You can tell that you people hiding over at Joey’s site prefer the company of black slapping sycophants to intelligent discussion and debate as they have yet to learn that you need to depend your beliefs with solid rationale and not Straw Man arguments(or Middle School-style sniping at those that disagree). This one commentator keeps talking about the Councilwomen’s love for animals, as if that is sufficient evidence that they have no nefarious reasons for targeting the zoo with these cuts. We get it, they have a dog, that has nothing to do with the conversation at hand. I am not suggesting that they want to kill the animals, merely to kill the jobs of the people who care for the animals- and happen to specifically be enemies of Little Joey.
Now, this has never been as much of an Anti-Albero Blog, as an Anti-Bring-Down-Salisbury-With-A-Petty-Vendetta Blog, so I welcome all of these new names (surprisingly these new names started cropping up at a time where Joey had about 3 comments that didn’t belong to his father over a two week period. Just saying.) to discuss the issues and show that you are not merely mindless drones that cannot think for yourself. Of course you are invited to discuss Little Joey, but we all know that you are too much of a pussy and don’t want to risk exposing yourself as an even bigger IDIOT!
Until that point, I really think we need to take a hard look at the Councilwomen’s cuts and see what else is in there that was dictated by the distinguished gentleman from Delaware. A hard look also needs to be directed at how deep this partnership between the Councilwomen and Joey truly goes. (And no dumbass, just because you didn’t give them money doesn’t mean that you have not made significant contributions to their campaign.)
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Something to think about….
(Sorry for the lack of posting but I have been busy with work, birthdays, and the holiday, but I have been peaking in every now and then. Here is a quick little thought to wet your whistle.)
We all know that Campbell and Cohen are in cahoots with Joey and are implicitly supportive of his behavior and his character assignations (Smith is still aligned with him in my opinion as she benefited, and never tried to distance herself from that behavior). But are they so aligned with the most destructive force in the city that they are making public policy concessions to him already? What is going to happen if they gain a majority in a couple of years?
I am talking about their proposal to essentially kill the Salisbury Zoo as we know it. Of all of their cuts to the budget, I do not believe that any department has been singled out as much as the zoo. Do you think that it is a coincidence they are targeting the one portion of the city that Joey has the biggest hard on for in his vendetta against the city?
PS- A little free advice to the majority of the council who have repeated numerous times that it is not their “job to go through to budget line by line”: Have you lost your damn minds? Jesus Christ, do they not have political advisers on the Eastern Shore? You are about to pass an unpopular tax increase in a hypercritical political environment and you are basically telling the people that you are not going to work as hard as possible to save them money. Get your shit together or you deserve to have Little Joey’s people running the city in a couple of years.
(Sorry for the lack of posting but I have been busy with work, birthdays, and the holiday, but I have been peaking in every now and then. Here is a quick little thought to wet your whistle.)
We all know that Campbell and Cohen are in cahoots with Joey and are implicitly supportive of his behavior and his character assignations (Smith is still aligned with him in my opinion as she benefited, and never tried to distance herself from that behavior). But are they so aligned with the most destructive force in the city that they are making public policy concessions to him already? What is going to happen if they gain a majority in a couple of years?
I am talking about their proposal to essentially kill the Salisbury Zoo as we know it. Of all of their cuts to the budget, I do not believe that any department has been singled out as much as the zoo. Do you think that it is a coincidence they are targeting the one portion of the city that Joey has the biggest hard on for in his vendetta against the city?
PS- A little free advice to the majority of the council who have repeated numerous times that it is not their “job to go through to budget line by line”: Have you lost your damn minds? Jesus Christ, do they not have political advisers on the Eastern Shore? You are about to pass an unpopular tax increase in a hypercritical political environment and you are basically telling the people that you are not going to work as hard as possible to save them money. Get your shit together or you deserve to have Little Joey’s people running the city in a couple of years.
Friday, May 18, 2007
I am Joey’s Complete Lack of Self-Awareness.
Little Joey states about Old Man Duvall: “I hope I never get this bitter when I’m his age.”
Let us parse this short, but telling statement.
He is cognizant of the fact that Duvall is quite crotchety in his old age, so that is evidence that Joey posses the skill to identify and comprehend the emotion of bitterness.
However, the snag comes when Little Joey tries to compare and contrast the identification of emotions in another with that of himself.
Little Joey completely disregards the fact that his whole existence is to carry out a vendetta against the Mayor because of a Hatfield’s v McCoy’s lifestyle that they have chosen and will not drop. (Does anyone have the story behind that civil suit?) I don’t care what side of the debate that you are on, whether or not you support the Mayor or the zoo, you absolutely have to admit that Joey is probably the most bitter man on the Eastern Shore. Jebus Christ, the man felt it necessary to write close to 1000 words of drivel to complain about money being stapled at an auction.
In defense of Little Joey, he could have gotten confused over the additional dimension of time in his comparison equation.
The man has completely disillusioned himself into believing that he is not bitter presently, and becoming more and more so as the Mayor continues to thrive. All of this despite years of the best intentions of Joey and his bitter family.
(Another aside- Geez, I hope you were better at producing light bulb condoms then you are at bringing down the Teflon Mayor. Maybe you should have your dad set up your vendetta from scratch and you will be successful.)
This man is completely disassociated from reality as others have notated before, and this throwaway glimpse into the psyche of Little Joey is a disturbing example of this diagnosis.
PS- It looks like Old Man Duvall beat Little Joey in the “publishing” of the press release about the community tax meeting. You are slacking Little Joey. You starting to get a little paranoid that they like him more then they like you? That old insecurity coming back? Does this mean that Duvall is a MSM journalist like you now?
Little Joey states about Old Man Duvall: “I hope I never get this bitter when I’m his age.”
Let us parse this short, but telling statement.
He is cognizant of the fact that Duvall is quite crotchety in his old age, so that is evidence that Joey posses the skill to identify and comprehend the emotion of bitterness.
However, the snag comes when Little Joey tries to compare and contrast the identification of emotions in another with that of himself.
Little Joey completely disregards the fact that his whole existence is to carry out a vendetta against the Mayor because of a Hatfield’s v McCoy’s lifestyle that they have chosen and will not drop. (Does anyone have the story behind that civil suit?) I don’t care what side of the debate that you are on, whether or not you support the Mayor or the zoo, you absolutely have to admit that Joey is probably the most bitter man on the Eastern Shore. Jebus Christ, the man felt it necessary to write close to 1000 words of drivel to complain about money being stapled at an auction.
In defense of Little Joey, he could have gotten confused over the additional dimension of time in his comparison equation.
The man has completely disillusioned himself into believing that he is not bitter presently, and becoming more and more so as the Mayor continues to thrive. All of this despite years of the best intentions of Joey and his bitter family.
(Another aside- Geez, I hope you were better at producing light bulb condoms then you are at bringing down the Teflon Mayor. Maybe you should have your dad set up your vendetta from scratch and you will be successful.)
This man is completely disassociated from reality as others have notated before, and this throwaway glimpse into the psyche of Little Joey is a disturbing example of this diagnosis.
PS- It looks like Old Man Duvall beat Little Joey in the “publishing” of the press release about the community tax meeting. You are slacking Little Joey. You starting to get a little paranoid that they like him more then they like you? That old insecurity coming back? Does this mean that Duvall is a MSM journalist like you now?
Monday, May 14, 2007
Has Little Joey Jumped the Shark?
Today's outrage on the Eastern Shore: Staples through cash at an auction.
You need to get on this Joey. You do not have credibility like Duvafiles. You do not provide intellectually stimulating political discussion like Gunpowder and Worcester Right. You aren't funny or interesting like many of blogs that are out there. You certainly are not like my blog which I believe encompasses all of those traits with as well as being incredibly good-looking.
You are the village idiot! that is only good for a laugh and you just aren't delivering. There is no point in posting everyday if it is all pointless, trivial drivel.
Pick a fight with someone crazy, out another blogger; hell out me pussy if you are so all knowing. Your long, strange trip is almost over Joey, time to pack it in.
Bonus assignment: Who should Little Joey attack next and why?
Today's outrage on the Eastern Shore: Staples through cash at an auction.
You need to get on this Joey. You do not have credibility like Duvafiles. You do not provide intellectually stimulating political discussion like Gunpowder and Worcester Right. You aren't funny or interesting like many of blogs that are out there. You certainly are not like my blog which I believe encompasses all of those traits with as well as being incredibly good-looking.
You are the village idiot! that is only good for a laugh and you just aren't delivering. There is no point in posting everyday if it is all pointless, trivial drivel.
Pick a fight with someone crazy, out another blogger; hell out me pussy if you are so all knowing. Your long, strange trip is almost over Joey, time to pack it in.
Bonus assignment: Who should Little Joey attack next and why?
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Little Joey beats a dead horse about the beating of a dead horse....and then blames all the horse beating/animal cruelty on Jim Rapp
*Mr. Reddish conducts an unprofessional interview with the City Council President.
*Little Joey breaks out the pom poms to cheer on the immature display
*Mr Reddish apologizes on air for his Albero-like behavior
*An official statement is released regarding the incident
*Since the day after the interview, Little Joey declares that everyone is beating a dead horse over the hubbub and to let it drop.
Where exactly was the constant harping on the subject? There was no excessive apologizing or hand wringing. There was no Imus-esque drawn out debacle.
This is just another example of Little Joey trying to not only dictate the tone, but the truth as well. There was no excessive hullabaloo over the interview that wasn't fueled by Joey's zeal for the public lashing. Now, it appears that the public consensus (correct me if I am wrong) is leaning towards the belief that Mr. Reddish was out of line in his channeling of Joey to interview Council President Smith.
Now, instead of acknowledging himself that his support of the interview and previous immature attacks against the Council President were out of line, Joey only wants his readers to ignore his behavior, predictions, and approval of interviewing tactics, and start believing that this non-existent up swell of dissatisfaction created by the Mayor has become too much and we need to move on as a community.
This is the second time in recent days (the feigned indignation- 'there is gambling going on here?!?! I am shocked, shocked!!- over the tone of certain blogs) that Joey has called for the high road to be taken.
That is the problem with self-serving "leaders", and Joey is a prime example, is that they are quick to proclaim this and that, but they are unwilling to actually follow through.
That is what I believe to be the true calling of these blogs: Keepers of record to ensure that the politicians and community leaders are held responsible for their actions. However, there is no reason that this cannot be done without courtesy and respect.
I will now take part in the beating of the horse: Joey is not a community leader in any shape or form, and is merely an opportunist using the blogs and the citizens for his vendetta against those that didnt back down to the big bully. This needs to be on the front of everyone's mind when they read his blog. Everyone reading these blogs needs to know this, from the new bloggers to those lurkers, to those who only read the "legitimate" news blogs. The word needs to get out there so that Joey is completely discredited as long as he is continuing to act in the manner that he has chosen.
I am not saying to not read his blog (How could you not? Everybody loves a train wreck in the making), but when you do, always have it in the front of your mind that no matter helpful the information that the author giving the information does not have the best interest of the city at heart and is merely furthering his vendetta in almost every single post. He must be held accountable for the lies and hate that he spreads. We all know that his time is coming, but the wolf should not be given a free pass to the chicken coup while the farmer makes his way over to handle the situation. (How is that country quote from a Democrat? Ever my blog and metaphors are inclusive.)
In a related note of Alberopocracy: Joey uses a Daily Times poll to validate his point in regards to an apparent mandate for a restaurant owned by Mr. Racial Sensitivity. Apparently when paired with faulty logic and an inability to master the art of percentages, the use of this unscientific poll is perfectly acceptable in an argument.
PS- Thank you to everyone for all the quotes and discussion. To have that many comments is amazing. Joey, I know you are reading this and it is killing you that I had more comments on one post then you have had in the past month. The word is finally getting out about your BS.
*Mr. Reddish conducts an unprofessional interview with the City Council President.
*Little Joey breaks out the pom poms to cheer on the immature display
*Mr Reddish apologizes on air for his Albero-like behavior
*An official statement is released regarding the incident
*Since the day after the interview, Little Joey declares that everyone is beating a dead horse over the hubbub and to let it drop.
Where exactly was the constant harping on the subject? There was no excessive apologizing or hand wringing. There was no Imus-esque drawn out debacle.
This is just another example of Little Joey trying to not only dictate the tone, but the truth as well. There was no excessive hullabaloo over the interview that wasn't fueled by Joey's zeal for the public lashing. Now, it appears that the public consensus (correct me if I am wrong) is leaning towards the belief that Mr. Reddish was out of line in his channeling of Joey to interview Council President Smith.
Now, instead of acknowledging himself that his support of the interview and previous immature attacks against the Council President were out of line, Joey only wants his readers to ignore his behavior, predictions, and approval of interviewing tactics, and start believing that this non-existent up swell of dissatisfaction created by the Mayor has become too much and we need to move on as a community.
This is the second time in recent days (the feigned indignation- 'there is gambling going on here?!?! I am shocked, shocked!!- over the tone of certain blogs) that Joey has called for the high road to be taken.
That is the problem with self-serving "leaders", and Joey is a prime example, is that they are quick to proclaim this and that, but they are unwilling to actually follow through.
That is what I believe to be the true calling of these blogs: Keepers of record to ensure that the politicians and community leaders are held responsible for their actions. However, there is no reason that this cannot be done without courtesy and respect.
I will now take part in the beating of the horse: Joey is not a community leader in any shape or form, and is merely an opportunist using the blogs and the citizens for his vendetta against those that didnt back down to the big bully. This needs to be on the front of everyone's mind when they read his blog. Everyone reading these blogs needs to know this, from the new bloggers to those lurkers, to those who only read the "legitimate" news blogs. The word needs to get out there so that Joey is completely discredited as long as he is continuing to act in the manner that he has chosen.
I am not saying to not read his blog (How could you not? Everybody loves a train wreck in the making), but when you do, always have it in the front of your mind that no matter helpful the information that the author giving the information does not have the best interest of the city at heart and is merely furthering his vendetta in almost every single post. He must be held accountable for the lies and hate that he spreads. We all know that his time is coming, but the wolf should not be given a free pass to the chicken coup while the farmer makes his way over to handle the situation. (How is that country quote from a Democrat? Ever my blog and metaphors are inclusive.)
In a related note of Alberopocracy: Joey uses a Daily Times poll to validate his point in regards to an apparent mandate for a restaurant owned by Mr. Racial Sensitivity. Apparently when paired with faulty logic and an inability to master the art of percentages, the use of this unscientific poll is perfectly acceptable in an argument.
PS- Thank you to everyone for all the quotes and discussion. To have that many comments is amazing. Joey, I know you are reading this and it is killing you that I had more comments on one post then you have had in the past month. The word is finally getting out about your BS.
Monday, May 7, 2007
Flip-Flop Albero
Joey today went off again over the weekend about another blogger and must have left his PMS medicine back in Delaware as he was in rare hyper-sensitive form. For someone who spends much of his free-time on his mission to bring down all that have wronged him in his life, the only constant has remained his swaying of relative outrage.
To go off on somebody that has merely pointed to the huge disparity been Little Joey and the truth, it is ok to libel, defame, extort, threaten to out, drag family members through the mud. Those are all acceptable forms of "debate" in Joey's book.
On the other hand, when the shoe is on the other foot, Joey becomes all defensive and calls out for the police to come save him from the bullies on the Internet. Do you take your ball home with you too Joey? Bronx my ass. Don't tell me that bull- "'Oh, I need to protect my family'. Nobody is threatening your family, the only thing is risk is their reputation and you have done more to hurt that then any blogger will. What do they call a man who can dish it out but cant take it in the Bronx?
When is this going to stop? He is effectively shutting out all discussion on the issues and is attempting to have his "truth" be the one that everybody believes. This is beyond bringing civility to contentious City Council elections, this is about a tyrant. Say what you want about the Mayor, but has she ever threatened to bring down someone for the simple fact that they disagree with her? Has she ever done it? Joey has, and repeatedly. Joey does more in a single day on his blog to hurt the city, one in which he does not live, then the Mayor has in however many terms she has.
Why is somebody allowed to have a monopoly on the "truth"? Why is somebody allowed to merely shout down his opponents until they quit in disgust? There was outrage over the fact that former Council President Dunn did not allow for excessive rants out of turn at a council meeting, whereas there is relative silence while this monkey attacks and flings his poop at those who look at him funny.
Now we all know how Wit, Gunpowder, Richard, and all the regulars feel. This isn't going somewhere, but we need it to. Lets start a discussion and spread this blog around to get a groundswell of support. I apologize as this isn't the best blog, but I have been busy and this is the best I can do on short notice. We need to stand up once and for all and state that we will not let Little Joey dictate the tone and the message of the debate in Salisbury.
Bonus Joey Logic:
How big of Joey to accept Bill's apology. Nobody went more overboard in attacking the Council President than Joey (well, maybe the Professor as I am guessing there was a dictator/Nazi reference in there that I missed). So if Joey think that Bill is a man for apologizing for a fraction of the hyperbolic diatribe that he himself put on, then what does that make Joey who does not even acknowledge his own immature response? Let us remember, "folks", Joey wants us to move in a positive direction!:
"So Bill got caught up in the moment. It happens Folks. Let’s move on. Let’s understand where Bill was going in the first place and let’s move Salisbury in a positive direction. And Bill, you know of me well enough to know, I understand your frustration Brother! These are tough people to get the truth out of. Let’s hope she comes back. "
Joey today went off again over the weekend about another blogger and must have left his PMS medicine back in Delaware as he was in rare hyper-sensitive form. For someone who spends much of his free-time on his mission to bring down all that have wronged him in his life, the only constant has remained his swaying of relative outrage.
To go off on somebody that has merely pointed to the huge disparity been Little Joey and the truth, it is ok to libel, defame, extort, threaten to out, drag family members through the mud. Those are all acceptable forms of "debate" in Joey's book.
On the other hand, when the shoe is on the other foot, Joey becomes all defensive and calls out for the police to come save him from the bullies on the Internet. Do you take your ball home with you too Joey? Bronx my ass. Don't tell me that bull- "'Oh, I need to protect my family'. Nobody is threatening your family, the only thing is risk is their reputation and you have done more to hurt that then any blogger will. What do they call a man who can dish it out but cant take it in the Bronx?
When is this going to stop? He is effectively shutting out all discussion on the issues and is attempting to have his "truth" be the one that everybody believes. This is beyond bringing civility to contentious City Council elections, this is about a tyrant. Say what you want about the Mayor, but has she ever threatened to bring down someone for the simple fact that they disagree with her? Has she ever done it? Joey has, and repeatedly. Joey does more in a single day on his blog to hurt the city, one in which he does not live, then the Mayor has in however many terms she has.
Why is somebody allowed to have a monopoly on the "truth"? Why is somebody allowed to merely shout down his opponents until they quit in disgust? There was outrage over the fact that former Council President Dunn did not allow for excessive rants out of turn at a council meeting, whereas there is relative silence while this monkey attacks and flings his poop at those who look at him funny.
Now we all know how Wit, Gunpowder, Richard, and all the regulars feel. This isn't going somewhere, but we need it to. Lets start a discussion and spread this blog around to get a groundswell of support. I apologize as this isn't the best blog, but I have been busy and this is the best I can do on short notice. We need to stand up once and for all and state that we will not let Little Joey dictate the tone and the message of the debate in Salisbury.
Bonus Joey Logic:
How big of Joey to accept Bill's apology. Nobody went more overboard in attacking the Council President than Joey (well, maybe the Professor as I am guessing there was a dictator/Nazi reference in there that I missed). So if Joey think that Bill is a man for apologizing for a fraction of the hyperbolic diatribe that he himself put on, then what does that make Joey who does not even acknowledge his own immature response? Let us remember, "folks", Joey wants us to move in a positive direction!:
"So Bill got caught up in the moment. It happens Folks. Let’s move on. Let’s understand where Bill was going in the first place and let’s move Salisbury in a positive direction. And Bill, you know of me well enough to know, I understand your frustration Brother! These are tough people to get the truth out of. Let’s hope she comes back. "
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