Monday, February 26, 2007

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Is it just me or is this whole Joey thing getting tiring and repetitive? I think that No Sympathy and myself alone accounted for about a third of Joey's "5000 hits a day" for awhile there in our mission to unmask the hypocrisy that is Joey. For Joey's defense he has come across many things that could be fixed in the city, but we all know that he has always taken the wrong approach and has been nothing but a detriment to Salisbury.

I don't care if you are against everything the current administration has done, if you are not devoid of independent thought you could see that the tone he has taken has done nothing to further mature debate about direction of the burgeoning town. Hopefully we have opened a couple eyes to the hypocrisy, not just provided comedic material for all the zoo folks out there.

I do not know how it can be so different, but looking at his site now, it just seems so retread. I believe it was in this forum that someone listed the 3 categories that a "Standard Albero Post" includes, but from then on out, I have seen that in all of his posts. He is constantly repeating himself and you can tell from the occasional lash out that he is remiss of the old attention he used to get. It is actually becoming predictable. Hopefully reading his blog hasn't poisoned my brain.

The whole point of this blog is to remind Joey that you cant keep predicting that the world is going to come to an end. Where are you taking your blog? Who are you going to conspire against? I am torn: Half of me is upset that we will have a completely different council next year due to the rantings and libel of one individual and half of me is excited to watch Joey turn on these council members that are coming in.

But it is getting tiresome. There is nothing on there, and even the immature personal attacks are no longer interesting. It is also getting to be less entertaining. Time to step up the crazy Joey.

Get out and vote tomorrow. As we do everything better than Joey, this blog will remain neutral with regards to which candidates to vote for but I would suggest that everyone votes for whom they want but also to vote for one candidate to piss Joey off. I suggest either Bubba or Harris.

PS: Joey, just because you own one property in the city does not mean that the city government has to work for you. Salisbury is not your fiefdom.


ShoreNative said...

It appears that with getting no comments on his site and less and less negative comments about him on other blogs he is resorting to his same on nastiness. More pictures of Doug Church and Randy Taylor. He has even been trying to direct traffic from the Times comments to his blog. He portrays his blog as NEWS. . . how exciting two dogs wandered into his yard. I am hoping that he will just disappear and blogging can be fun again. There will be a full moon shortly. If we continue to ignore him, I predict a major meltdown.

Anonymous said...

A full moon may put him over the top.

I see that he could not resist taking a dig at Hadley.

Then he had had to trump up some bullshit about his wife's folks.

He is also trying to disenfranchise the voters by making it appear as if you only get 3 votes.

People are tired of looking at pictures of parked cars, dumpsters, and parked cars.

When the weather gets warmer, people will abandon their computers and get outside. Joe will dry up and blow away.

One wonders what would he do everyday, if everything he bitches about were fixed. Would he take up fishing or sit home and watch soaps, how would he occupy his time, if Doug Church moved away, the Mayor quit, only HIS candidates get elected, and they only do things HE wants done. “Sorry sir, Joey called and we must vote no.” Jim Rapp, you are fired. Homeless people, you must move away.

After ALL of his problems were fixed. What would he do? Maybe move away?

Anonymous said...

Hey Joey.

Too bad you can't run a Sam Spade search on this post. No way for you to find the DNS server for me.

Idiot! said...

Do you realize that he was proud of the fact that he is prowling the Plaze for 8 hours a night!??!

I agree Hadley, his site used to be like- "I cant believe he thinks that", or "Did he just go there?", or "Does he not see the hypocrisy in that statement?".

Joey is like a pornstar. Once you cross that line and do certain things, there is no way to be accepted back into the mainstream. (Haha I really want to expand on that analogy, but there is no way without being too crude).

bye said...

I totally agree with you on this posting.
Actually I only "rubberneck" at his site once a day now. The whole thing has gotten predictable and boring. I tried to get cranked back up but my enthusiasm for beating on Joey is gone. I do believe everyone in town with the exception of Kate now can see that Joey is just a vindictive Brat that is in dire need of an enema!

bye said...

Oh and By the way, the 2 dogs wandering up to the house.... al that proves is that Rapunzel can still attract the best!

Idiot! said...

No Sympathy,

We all know that Joey chased you off, dont go lying to save face. His journalism and rational debating was just too much for you to handle.

bye said...

OK If you say so!

Anonymous said...

Joey is like a pornstar.

Can you blind a mental image eye? God I'm going to need YEARS of therapy to wipe that image away.
Joe isn't going anywhere. Ya'll are deluded. He has NO ONE to rein him in. He practically called that monoblogue guy a gay guy for going to the crafts expo.
Joe needs to be found in an alley and have the shit kicked out of him. Then maybe he'd be more repectful of others.

* Could the shit kickers PLEASE wear Barrie plastic masks?

Historical Wit said...

Reading Joe's blog is like masturbating with a cheese grater, slightly amusing but mostly painful.

Gunpowder Chronicler said...


I am not sure Joe really knew what he was talking about. If you read the post, he said that Jennifer's ex works AT THE Amelia Court House.

Here's the problem: Amelia Court House is a TOWN in Northern Virginia. While there maybe a court house still in the town, it's not called Amelia Court House.

2nd Problem: The information he is referring to is the geolocator for the uplink node, not the actual physical location of the browser. (who owns the IP) is DSL provider. In Virginia, like in Maryland, court house internet access is provided over a state backbone, not a DSL provider. (In Maryland, a lot of it travels over SAILOR, the state library network).

Now, it is possible that Jennifer's ex lives in Amelia Court House. Maybe even works there. But it isn't necessarily true that it is him. I get the same three octals on several of my visitors occassionally, and I doubt Jennifer's ex gives two rats about me.

Although, maybe he is looking for Jennifer's recommendation on the best porn to show to co-workers, or the best sexual gag gifts to buy (according to Chief Judge Legg, she did this at the Salisbury Zoo, and it is part of the public record, so if you want to come after me Joe, you better come heavy.)

barracuda said...

Oceanshaman said...Joe outing the current wife of Jennifer's ex for checking out his blog . . . as if it's somehow a badge of honor . . . I almost signed on to comment, as I know and love Kevin and Brenda Arthur . . . they ROCK . . . they're good people . . . who could blame Brenda for checking out Joe's site . . . it's the best trash entertainment going on the Shore these days . .

Would they be good people because they bought drugs from you? Which was it, coke or pot?

barracuda said...

Oceanmushroom head. I am NOT JOE! Just because I can't stand lawyers doesn't make me Joe!
You should be in jail.

As for the ex's, they should get a life. After all this time they still can't let go. Truly pathetic and talk about psychotic. Reminds me of the fools that frequent this sight along with the major IDIOT that writes it. Get a grip and move on. Your doing exactly what you preach you hate. If you can't stand Albero, ignore him. HE at least has done some good for Smallsbury, which is more then what I can say for any of you!
When you can grow some balls and make a difference, then feel free to trash the rest of us for doing nothing, till then crawl back in the hole and quit your bitchin.

bye said...

ohh ya BarriesCooder, Hi long time no hear. Whats wrong your site? soooooooo slow you feel the need to roll in the mud with us Little People.
Sooo Joe When you go down on Jenny how does it taste to give Kevin a blowjob by Proxy?

JoeDirt said...

ROFLMAO!!! We really need to enlist a good shrink to our blogsphere!

Maybe with his or her help we could create a petition and have him committed before he hurts someone.

I've been meaning to ask, what can you do with your Idiot Points? Can you cash them in? Can you trade them for wonderful prizes?

birdie said...

Looks like Joey got his press pass after all...check out: Wonder if he got a tattoo of it on his neck for good measure.

Joey was the first one to get to him, and it has come to light that these two have been talking over the past several days. John is hitting the radio waves in 2 weeks. Hopefully he stands strong.

Anonymous said...

You is Joey.
We understand your problem. Nobody, NO-BODY reads or comments on you site, so you need to come over here.

No Sympathy
You were right about Kevin, but you left out Jim Rapp, so he has done BOTH of them by proxy.
Mmmmmm Good, mmmmmm Good, that's what she is, MMmmmmm GOOD!

It appears that Joey's campaign to get people to only cast 3 votes (to hurt Gary) was a BUST! Gary was the # 4 vote getter.

If there is a God in His heaven, Comegys will be reelected.

bye said...

I thought Joey and Rapunzel were married at the time she worked for Mister Rapp?????
Are you stating that J&J and not mutually exclusive?
Ohhh my..... I wonder if the Witches of Eastwick, ahh I mean the Girls of Salisbury know all this?

bye said...


bye said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bye said...

KBA you are saying that Sir Joey is her knight in UV plating that rescued her from the Evil James "Draggin Dick" Rapp.
Sounds like a good story line!

Hadley you gonna represent old Joey against the Chief?

JoeDirt said...

Will Joe be stupid enough to represent himself in Chief Webster's lawsuit against him? I am no fan of Chief Webster or Barrie Tilghman but Joe's actions are over the edge. There will probably be a full moon tomorrow. Will Joe be able to control himself or will he go beserk? I am hoping that he quickly learns how fast money can go away! Let's see how Joe proves he is innocent when he has page after page of damaging evidence he provided for himself. The bigger they are the harder they fall . . . I'm hoping for a mild earthquake.

Idiot! said...

I am going to need some time to keep my head from spinning before I get into the whole Little Joey vs the Chief situation.

But yeah, how does that song go? "I fought the law, and the law won..."


If you get 100 Idiot! Points you can trade them in for a case of obsolete light bulb condoms. Ernest T is the recipient of I believe 75 Idiot! Points as he was the only one he would focus and attempt the prediction game.

Shower Head said...

Idiot Points can be exchanged for a hot dog and chips at Jimmy's Grill or Flavors of Italy.

Or if you drive a Mercedes you can use them at the rest stop on Rt. 50 out by K-Mart.

I was hoping SLAK would accept them as downpayment towards a customized paint job on a certain Mercedes.

But that would be the end of the fun, because we would ALL be dead from laughter.