Sunday, February 18, 2007

My Response to Monoblogue

As one of the authors referenced in your post, I would like to comment to add my two cents to this discussion. I am not known for my brevity, so I will try to keep this short. I have contributed to the national political discussions on both conservative and liberal blogs of the Eastern Shore, debating issues and presenting points of view that I hope would give pause to those that had not completely made up their mind on a particular issue. However, there are times to debate the issues and times to recognize the vital role that certain players have in the political arena.

I started my blog on Joey as a result of my disgust at the unchecked havoc that Joey has ravaged in his vendetta against those whom he feels has wronged him. Joey has done much good for the citizens of Salisbury, but it has been mentioned before, and bares mentioning again is that all he has done has been done out of spite for those whom he is trying to bring down. The tone of the debate of Salisbury politics has been muddied by Joey’s strains to tie every perceived wrong in the City to his real and imagined enemies. He does not want to hold public officials accountable; he wants to punish them for personal slights that he has interpreted to be of an enormous nature. He has made this fight personal, not political. All of this dispite that fact that he is not a citizen of the city, county or even state.

On my site I merely attempt to draw attention to the hypocrisy of his posts and to embarrass him into a little journalistic restraint and integrity. I have tried to maturely debate him on the issues, however he has declined. He has however, posted under pseudonyms to cause trouble and throw insults. He brings nothing to the debate but finger pointing and accusations.

I would propose to you that while our websites may be excessive and appear to be immature, it is his hateful posts that cause trouble and are some of the worst that I have seen in my politically active life. Worse of all is that for awhile it appeared that many people believed that Joey had good intentions and began to follow him. Because of our attention to the truth, there has been some progress made of late with Joey as the tone of his posts have been a little more muted and his accusations a little more based in reality. Slowly but surely he is becoming someone who can positively impact the political discourse.

In starting my blog, I was relieved that many people have begun to see the crazy that pervades him, and I see more and more people turning away from his divisive rhetoric. I take no public sides in the local political debate, yet I do expect that an open and mature discussion of the issues, devoid of gossip and innuendo, be the centerpiece to the local debate. It is a cliché, but I truly believe that you should “disagree without being disagreeable”.


¿Yh8? said...

Idiot said...
"Because of our attention to the truth, there has been some progress made of late with Joey as the tone of his posts have been a little more muted and his accusations a little more based in reality."

Really? I was kinda thinking he has become a bit more rebellious and accusatory as of late. It was only yesterday he was all over the place on me about things I had no part in. Not that he would have known if I were. And two days previous he was threatening another blogger and using pornographic terminology.

I do respect the concept of a civil debate, but he has been making it rather difficult through his accusations and "Berrie Boopness". I've never much cared for local politics but here recently I'm starting to feel sorry for the officials if this is what they have to try to negotiate with.

Again Joe, you can quote me on this, for I have made no mention of hate and can verify that my statements are free of lies!

JoeDirt said...

I have just viewed the long awaited "Zoo Video." What a huge disappointment. I see public employees trying to do their work. When they politely tell the man they do not want to be photographed he continues. He accuses them of seeking him out and harrassing him. His video proves it to be the other way around. He "says" they are following him, but shows no proof. He says he is going to hang around and see what happens, nothing does. The Zoo employees were not rude and did not use profanity. I did however notice the peacocks saying, "Help, Help, Help!" I believe this is the only word in their vocabulary and not a personal cry for the kind of help that Joe Albero has offered the Zoo.

¿Yh8? said...

I tend to agree with both of your interpretations. I couldn't hear the word "hell" from that other person as Joe stated during the film, but I have seen far worse verbiage on Joe's site alone.

A Hate Free Statement!

Claude Slagenhop said...

Oh, so the master of out-of-context quotes, of misquoted quotes, of bald-faced lying, and of the employing the double standard has tempered his posts?

Do you really think his tantrum is over. He is, pursuant to the court order placing his most recent criminal case on the Stet Docket, prohibited from harassing or going near the very person that besmirched the reputation of his beloved Rapunzel. The Zoo folks could be barbecuing Prairie Dogs for lunch and having Pate de Peacock liver, and Himself, Lord Master of the Downtown Plaza, could do nothing. He could not even take one picture.

The point being, that while his anger my just be simmering on the outside, he is seething on the inside. He has been forced to retreat to a more formal blog format that will wither on the vine. Why? Because unlike the other reputable blogs that use that format, he cannot compose rational, defensible, and cogent posts. And since he will allow no dissent, no one, except his father-in-law and his alter ego logon names, will make posts.

Since he is not smart enough, I mean literally, not figuratively, to make well written informative, and FACTUAL posts; he will resort to his attack style "Like we did back in the Bronx-put up your dukes, PUSSY".

Mark my words, he WILL regress, his ego demands those high "Hit Counts", and he will have no readers if he attempts to blog with intellect. He has chosen to censor comments, and does not realize that people "hit" on his site to read the comments of others taunting him. He has taken away the only reason anyone had to visit his site. So he WILL begin to post his "Grocery Store Tabloid" photos, and incendiary personal attacks: Which WILL cause people to, as Oceanshamn pointed some time back, cause people to stop and look at the train wreck. If there were never any crashes, who would watch NASCAR?

By the way:
Good points by Joedirt and Othersideof the coin. We have to keep calling him out on his mistakes and lies.