NEW CONTEST: The Albero Factor- Spin Zone
The Albero Factor- Spin Zone: "Where We Spin the Truth Until We Can Claim Victory and Then Blame the Mayor"
Now it appears as if Joey has completely switched the slate of candidates that he is backing (I know, I know, he is not a resident) for the upcoming City Council Primary. He has completely dropped support for Harris, of course with no mention that he had originally supported, and up until recently, backed a FOB. He has instead given a special pat on the back to Bayne (congratulations Mr. Harris, you are off the Joey Hook!). In summations- Joey has backed a candidate that nobody likes and was the last one of the bandwagon for Spies/ Cohen/ Smith. Way to show that political wherewithal Joey.
I would like to start a contest that will run from now until a couple of days after the results are tabulated. I would like predictions on the following:
*What political announcements will Joey make before the election (vote totals, supporting, etc.)
*What will the actual outcome of the election be
*How will Joey spin the election results to show that he was indeed right, vindicated, insightful and a true political wonk
***Bonus points if you can correctly predict how he will tie this all in to blaming the Mayor and Rapp.
I believe Joey will lash out at all the FOBs and fluff his feathers about a new day a-risin. He will push the same slate as Duvalfiles with an extra push in there for Bayne. I predict one more last minute big lash out at somebody that isn't the Mayor or Bubba, as the tension of an upcoming election will be too much for him. Come primary time, Bubba and Ewalt will get the majority of the votes with the Spies/Cohen/Smith factions sharing the votes of the dissenters. Bayne will win the Joey/Hadley Award for "most voal support on a blog that translate to a barely statistically relevant finish", further cementing Joey's lack of political pull outside the loonie bin. Wrong in everything that he predicted, he will forget the new day a-risin and completely ignore that he was off the mark again and declare that he is responsible for the electoral defeat of Mike Dunn. He will subsequently insist that the mandate given to him by the adoring public directs him to continue his crusade against Rapp, the Mayor, and his quickly eroding sense of shame.
(If you managed to read through the previous paragraph without realizing that I have no clue how many candidates go through to the general election for the three council spots, then I am an amazing writer that deserves heaps of praise. What is the number of candidates running in the general?)
The commenter who manages to tap into the scariness that is Joey's brain and come out with the most accurate prediction will win 75 Idiot! Points before the awarding of bonus points. May the best IDIOT win.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
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First, it is, for Joey, a long way til the election. There is every chance that one of his horses in the race will foul out and Joey will bash the crap out of him. Remember, well ME!!
The Autumn air was golden. Those warm afternoons putting up signs together, the air filled with the fragrance of cheap cigars fairly made us giddy as we stroked our sticks and plotted strategy at Break Time. We giggle and laughed as we composed nasty captions of his masterful photographs of Ricky and Ron. Then, the sky darkened, the cigars went limp, I was out, and Ricky was in.
So you see, our boy could drop one of his candidates in a heartbeat if they should disagree with him in even the slightest way.
He WILL have to bash somebody out of the political arena. My prediction is it will be either, Doug Church, or Bill Gordy.
It would be interesting to so his numbers for "TOT" -Time On Target-as the Fly Boys Say.
I bet each visitor to his site only stays 20 or 3 seconds, just long enough to see that there are no comments.
It will be interesting to see if he goes back to the original blogger format in hopes of regaining his lost glory. More likely, he will find a new hobby, and we shall never hear from him again.
You guys are right. He is crazy. His site is rediculously boring. He will flip out soon due to lack of egostroking.
But this thread is about something different!(We can continue this in the two previous posts) Order here people! This is: The Spin Zone! Make your predicitions for the upcomming elections.
Very good ernest t. Yes an over under perhaps on the percentages of votes garnered would be nice. Maybe also an over under on the percentage of the electorate that actually shows up to vote.
And dont forget to include who you think Joey will spin/flip out over the results!
Fuckin a. A true american idiot. I cant wait to tell this one to my wife over lucnh. Its always fun to share some comedic releif.
It really is crazy how much hatred he has over Rapp. Funny thing is other than him and his posse, I dont hear any other complaints about the zoo.
In fairness to Joey, I DO think there were some problems at the ZOO several years ago.
But they were due to personnel problems. Jim Rapp (with the Mayor's help) cleared them up when he got rid of some of the deadwood employees that had been making trouble.
And of course, Joey would not know how nice it is over there at the ZOO, as he is not alllowed to go there due to "having his criminal case dropped", and "being cleared of ALL of the charges against me".
Joey is so blinded by HATE that
I don't think that even YH8? can help him. Good thing Joey isn't a Horse....They put down horses that are this SICK!
Out of curiousity, what were some of the previous problems at the zoo?
And woooooonderful predictions everyone. Way to stay on point.
"IMO Folks, thanks solely to SalisburyNEws and our promotion, these/this individual/s won the election."
This is a Hate Free Comment
I would like to point out that in one of his posts made 2/23, Joey reversed himself and has embraced as GOOD GUYS , the guys who want to redevelop the Old Mall. It seems likeonly days ago when Joey was trashing them, photos included, as FOB's and genuine all around no-good-sunsabitches.
I mean he was PRAISING Cathcart today.
How in the heck can we predict? Christ, he will find a write-in candidate to back. You DO remember how he backed a write-in candidate this past Fall don't you?
Nevertheless, I will try, it will be Spies that he dumps. He will support Cathcart, in an effort to beat Comegys-who is a shoo-in to win. Joey will figure that backing Cathcart will draw votes away from Gary.
Joe is back in personal attack mode with butt pictures and insinuations about buriedindabury.
His old mall post reminds me of an old Saturday Night Live skit about correspondence courses . . .
"Yesterday I couldn't even spell "BLITE" today I are one."
He has resently discovered . . . has he invented a new persona and is now posting as a firefighter?? Maybe that's what superior officer is all about
Joe is really getting desparate. First he is blogging on the Daily Times trying to get people to visit his website. He goes on a full out Doug Church attack. Evidently Doug had a busy day yesterday providing on-site support or installing systems for his customers and didn't spend the day in the office providing phone support or customizing computers. Shame on him, out there trying to make a living! Then Joe rants about the man with the Corvette with handicapped tags! Joe you CSMFSOB I know this man and he uses a walker! He's a big guy and I've personally seen him struggle to get in and out of that car. The car's a beaut, Joe must be jealous! P & Photographer it's time for a come back!
Oh Superior Officer!
Calling Superior Officer, where are you?
Can you get your face out of Joe's butt long enough to address the lies you have called on?
No? Why?
OH! Because you ARE JOEY.
Joey is not MAN enough to post here in his own name.
I might have been wrong about standing up for superiorofficer. It appears that he only comes around to stand up for Joey. And like Joey and his alter egos, superiorofficer brings no insightful comments to the discussion.
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