Thursday, February 15, 2007

Petition to Bring Back Duvalies

I am disheartened as I am sure many of you are that Duvalies has been turned into a private blog. Although I didnt really comment on the site, I made a point to read it at least every couple of days. It was above and beyond the best local blog. Sometimes I had to check the url to make sure I was reading the correct site as the parody was that good. I think I saw that Iyeska even commented on its demise, stating her interest in the site.

That is why I would like to start a petition to the author of the site to bring it back for everyone to enjoy. Failing that, I would like to start a possible list of readers to be invited to participate in the new private website. Hopefully this post will reach Duvalies and we can get get an explanation to the sites untimely demise.


bye said...

Signed, No Sympathy.
I read it every day.....But I read them all every day......And I wouldn't mind if one of them went all private!

¿Yh8? said...

okay alby, no longer a need for the boop name, you already forgot to change your profile here.

Idiot! said...

Joey, you just outed yourself over on Gunpowder's blog when you slipped up. Man up and use your real name or you wont be allowed on here, you pussy.

Thats what you called SSR right? Well, I know that you are. Cant even stand up for yourself, you have to make up a name to make it look like you have supporters. I called barie boop out as being Joey about a week ago, and I was right you pussy.

Youve got nothing on me you pussy, and it kills you because you know you dont have the intelligence to maturely stand up for yourself like a man.

Anonymous said...


Idiot! said...

He also called Duvafiles and Hadley "pussies" because the were censoring the comments. Who is the pussy now?

The man has no shame.

o w grant said...

Please add my signature.

Historical Wit said...

Im in. Signed sealed and delivered.

ShoreNative said...

I'd like to sign up. Please??

JoeDirt said...

Here's my John Hancock