Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Plot Thickens

A couple quick things before I open this up for discussion in the comments section:

1. This was on Gunpowder's blog so go over there and respond as well. Not really up on the whole linking thing, so if someone could provide a link to Gunpowder in the comments section I would appreciate it.

2. Graphix stated that he does not want this discussion on his blog, so please respond either here or at Gunpowder's blog.

3. This along with the expanded pictures at Yh8's site and the Professor's comments proves that Joey was not so truthful in his recount of this embarrassing situation. Why would a man who is in the wrong, blatantly lie about events at a well-attended public meeting, then go on the attack against those who disagree with him? He is the Karl Rove of the Eastern Shore!

4. I will be giving out Idiot! Points for the top notch comments. Barrieboop, you get Idiot! Points if you can string together a cohesive sentence without lashing out at anyone.

Now, without further ado, enjoy:

G®@pHïX said...Joe,You know I respect you, that is why I've chosen to remain silent in previous posts about this subject.But you keep posting about it and I have to say, I had quite a different point of view of the event. Please note before reading, I am in no way bashing Joe. I am merely stating what I saw.Not only were there 5 seats readily available in my row alone, but Joe wasn't exactly "standing idol" either. At least 3 times that I observed, he mumbled feedback to the person behind him about the exchanges between council members in the front of the room. I'll note that no other media member conducted in this manner that I had observed.I recall at least once, if not twice, he walked out of the room into the hallway just outside the door. There he spoke with someone and could be heard by those of us who remained in the meeting. After he and who I believe to be "Caterina" reentered the room, Joe returned to his spot and mumbled at least one other time before Dunn asked him to sit down. Dunn actually stated, "You can do whatever you want to do, just have a seat during the meeting".What Joe hasn't mentioned is that HE DID in fact SIT DOWN. In the empty seat that was right in front of the entrance and in the second to last row. Then he turned around, and spoke with the person sitting behind him while the meeting proceeded. Then he stood hunched over while continuing his conversation with the same person. When done, he stood fully and walked forward to his photo equipment that was still on the table closer to the front. That was the moment that Dunn stopped the meeting, repeated his request that Joe be seated this time Joe protested, and that's when Dunn stopped the meeting and instructed that he be removed.Again, I am not bashing anyone,I am only respectfully stating my recollection of the event. If it differs from that of others, so be it. I no have interest in debating or "peeing" over what I saw. I do not believe it would be appropirate for anyone else to bash Joe about this either. It was a stressful moment for all involved. When under such stress, folks can easily forget about subconcious actions that may have played a factor in such moments. If I were in Joe's shoe's I might have been equally as indignant over the event.


Idiot! said...

Someone accused me of creating a pro-Dunn blog, and I challenged them to show me once where Dunn was wrong in handling Joey. That was before we get an accurate account from Graphix.

It reminds me of kids in the backseat of a long car ride that keep going "Are we there yet, are we there yet." Eventually, youre gonna smack that kid upside the head.

And you are right, people like to point out the good that Joey is doing, but it is all for the wrong reasons. I posted a little more indepth on this at Gunpowder's blog.

He is getting everyone wrapped up in a furor for his own personal reasons, but it is creating a dangerous environment. I gaurentee the next council is going to become just as tumultuous. This is not the way grownups are supposed to act.

bye said...

You can't get along with him. You can agree with him, adore him, kiss his ass, ignore him, start blogs to discredit his lies.......But you can't get along with him!

Anonymous said...

Joe is a legend in his own mind