Changing of the Tides: Old Man Duvall v Little Joey Albero
The purpose of this site has always been to change the tone of the political discussion in Salisbury. I have been trying to keep a low-profile lately due to the upcoming election and not wanting to come off as a tool of a specific candidate (The whole cliché of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” is very easy to fall into if you aren’t careful)and general busyness. I will knock out this post quickly to get the discussion started(so there may be typos Outraged “Miriam Webster” Richard, ).
To quickly recap and bring everyone up to speed on what has been happening, I will use the lazy literary tool of bullets:
*Joey get sued for being an ass but played it off like he is being kept down by the man.
*Duvall has been taking slight digs at Joey, as even though the man is old and possibly senile, he has enough sense and wherewithal to take a step back and see how dangerous and nuts that Joey is.
*Joey takes the low road and posts a link to the now defunct Duvalies (where did you go?),
*Duvafiles continues slight digs at Joey as the rational onslaught against Joey builds, with Gunpowder and Outraged Richard (two individuals decidedly not in the corner of the Mayor) becoming more vocal in their disapproval of Little Joey’s tone.
*In a rational moment of maturity and clarity, Little Joey lets the slights of Duvall pass, perhaps in deference to the man that started it all. He slightly takes a dig at Gunpowder’s site content, completely ignoring the fact that one of Gunpowder’s posts gets more comments then Joey gets all day. Little Joey still does not take me up on my offer to rationally debate the issues without personal attacks (pussy).
*Along the line, Duvall starts allowing me to comment (No Sympathy too!!) about the tone of those who are bashing the Mayor and those aligned with her. My argument has been all along that you can be against the Mayor, but it shouldn’t be so personal. Outraged Richard joins in the fracas and there is particular attention drawn to the Professor and her penchant to compare Local Politicians who questionably spend taxpayer money with some of the worst humans in recorded history.
*The Professor is most likely the “many, many people” who are emailing Joey constantly to tell him how horrible Duvall’s site has become. The only noticeable change in the site is that Joey is not allowed to post and others are allowed to question reasoning and facts. The site is evolving from a backslapping, anti-Mayor circle jerk into a forum for discussing the issues (Ironically what it was to begin with before Jannace and Joey came along. Now we have a situation where not only bloggers, but those who merely comment on the blogs feel as though they are local celebrities. Inflated ego followed).
*Joey posts about Duvall and it is filled with insults and backhanded compliments.
*Duvall censors a comment of mine that I will choose to summarize here: “Yes, those you are against haven’t always acted the most mature, but you choose to respond to my accusations of immaturity with the defense ‘They started it, so I am going to do it to’”.
*Duvall then brings back the post about Comegys’s charges and continues the mudslinging. There are no real mentions of the issues, and I would argue that the Editorial in the paper about the blogs was accurate as this has become a personality driven campaign. (Great comment in there by the way about how there is just a segment of the community that refuses to not only get along, but to play nice in disagreeing. How many years does this go back?)
*Joey continues his slanderous ways, posting absurd post after absurd post, with no refute from anyone. He does manage to throw some facts in there.
*Somewhere along the way Joey makes a claim about how the other blogs don’t bother him, yet neglects to mention that he trolls these sites constantly and never passes on an opportunity to prove them wrong. (Except for my site, which never gets mentioned as I guess intelligent discussion of the issues do not interest the persistent naysayers. It is easy to dismiss your detractors as crude and point to one site, but it is difficult when they actually expect you to provide valid reasoning for their opinions.)
*Joey has hit an impressive stretch of attacks along with a complete lack of self-awareness to the hypocrisy that is coming out of his mouth. I will address his impressive stretch in a later post.
I think we can declare a winner. Duvall has been relegated to backup status and has taken to following orders from Joey. He used to be the leader of the blog movement (quite amazing for a big city, much less a small community like Salisbury), but is now relegated to second class status. Please, correct me if you think I am wrong, but do these people not go to Joey’s site first? Do they not talk and bully like Joey? Do they not attack constantly like Joey? Joey is winning this fight against civility, and Duvall is to blame.
Everybody take a step back and realize this is bigger then a City Council election for small-town Salisbury. We have a man who started with a vendetta against a Mayor and Zoo Administrator. He slowly obtained some followers who were already against the Mayor and were looking for another excuse to bash her. We have gone from that frisky man with a Camera on Jannace’s site to a man with his own site, with followers who could care less about the Mayor and a list of enemies growing longer by the week. It has grown to include the Chief, Comegys, that Assistant Prosecutor, Doug Church, Shannie Shields, Duvall, Slak, etc (Please let me know if I am missing anyone). This isn’t just a list of people that Joey dislikes; but are people that Little Joey literally is out to get on any given day. It is an ever growing list that grows as Joey’s ego grows. What have these people done to Joey? Nothing really. Except the disagreed with Joey or dared question his “authority”. Don’t you people see what is wrong with that? His disease is spreading and it is contagious and it will bring the whole city down. Make sure that everyone reads this post as we need to double our efforts to stop this nonsense before it spirals down further. We need a rational dialog on the issues, not just personal attacks against those whom we disagree with. Disagree without being disagreeable.
UPDATE: Duvall allowed a comment I had posted earlier to stand that blantly critiqued those who talked about the candidates personal lives, and it obviously applied to him. He deserves credit for that. Pay attention Joey, you will be tested on this later.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
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Excellent read.
He's a danger to this community and what is really scary is that he may soon have the majority backing in the city council, if they actually align with him. You never hear anyone in office, or the big three running for office comment about him. you only hear from those he's defaming. I'd like to know exactly what DSC, TS, TC, LS have to say about him and his tactics beyond thier obvious need for his expertise in getting rid of Dunn, Comegy's and cathcart.
The question needs to be presented to this group. The answer might surprise you! AND I won't buy...I don't look at the blogs!
From what I have observed, the candidates (and Debbie Campbell) are keeping a distance.
They don't want him to ruin their campaigns, so are keeping him at arm's length.
However, they don't want his lunacy to lead to a bad situation so are trying not to provoke him.
The general feeling I get is, he is sometimes useful in getting information out, and was instrumental in bringing issues to light that needed to be brought up, but he really needs to be kept in check.
Of course, this is just my opinion based on my own observations.
Talk about important question for the candidates: discribing the tone of discourse.
They are completely using him, and you cant blame them for that, but you also cant hold them completely above blame either. They know that he is out there daily libeling their opponents, trashing their character and reputation, and providing a forum and encouragement to encourage others to join in the assult. They are collaterally culpable.
I also do not think they are as tied to him as you may think. I am optimistically holding out hope that they will not practice what they preached against with the Mayor and create their own "Friends of Debbie" (FOD) with their newfound power. After the election they will do like Mike Lewis - shake Joey's hand and smile as they slowly back away.
I think idiot! is correct, the new dream team probably read Joey first thing everyday and all day.
Also agree that they will either drop him like a hot rock or at best do a "Mike Lewis" on him.
You know there is a good chance that he will go away after the election. I very seldom check his site to avoid running up his ego meter. Most of his stuff is election and anti Mayor Shields, & Comegys postings; along with wildlife pictures.
It is the election and the anti stuff that generates the hits. His version of news is so boring that nobody reads it, and if they do they do not believe it. [Trust me FOLKS!!]
He is forbidden access to the zoo so he has to leave Rapp and Zoo folks alone. What is left for him after the election? If he screws with the taggers, they will torment him to death.
If he goes after the new council, he will look like a fool [I admit that that does not seem to bother him] because they are HIS dream team.
Plus I think that what few comments he gets will go away after the election. Warm weather will be here and people will have less idle time. And who wants to comment on a full dumpster picture? Also since he will not allow true discussion, which would include legitimate criticism of his posts, the comments will dry up.
If he ever opened up comments, NoSympathy, you, and a few others would eat him alive. He was driven to a forum without true discussion, so in a way the good guys have driven him underground.
If that sorry bitch opened up his comments like a real man, I would be there in minutes to defacate on his 5th grade scratch pad dribble.
The problem of his ilk is the problem politics in this country as a whole is going through. bully and be shithead and try to force your position. Him and his dirtbag following have that same attitude. They dont want to talk cause in thier mind what ever the topic, they are right, you are wrong and you owe them something for suggesting otherwise. They will die miserable unless they get rid of that hate they carry.
Fuck em. They cant win if they play straight. If you engage them in conversation they soon become frustrated by things like facts and other peoples ideas and opinions. Fuck em. They like that miserable world of crap they created. Doesn't anyone realize all of this bloggin shit is a fantasy land? Joe wishes he was a photographer for National Geographic. Joe wishes he was a reporter. Hes not. He nothing more that a person with some money who thinks they know. Is Kate or Caterina Maria that hateful in real life. Hell no. She would have lost her job long ago. Shes only that shit online. Kinda like kinky sex with a stranger or way younger guy when your out of town on business is something Kate would never do in real life, just like she wouldn't call someone a Nazi in real life cause her face would be plastered on MSNBC. So she becomes this inner bigot from her fingertips. On demand fantasy. What ever, fuck em.
We are all less human for the shit we sling here. ALL OF US. Its all done for spite. Just cause we dont like someone. Fuck us too.
A new soap opera for Salisbury..."As The Chicken gets Plucked."
It has been a while since we have seen such a rant here in the Lower Shore Blogosphere.
Wit, do you need some meds? Don't start posting to yourself.
Wow Wit you fail an exam or something?
Fuck a med, this is all natural asshole here. Just like DeNiro said in that movie with Billy Crystal, "If a hard on cant be gotten legitimatly, it shouldn't be gotten then."
FOul mouthed? fuck yeah, but that shits a hang over from the god damn army. Sue me.
And I dont fail exams. Period. Thats a sign of failure and weakness and I aint got time for that shit.
And if more of you were a bunch of passive fucks, people like Albero wouldn't exist. He creates this fuckin pseudo drama so his lame lazy ass will have something to do. It doesn't matter who is in that mayors office. The premise will never change, citizen bashing local goverment. Like thats never gonna be popular. Like there aint enough hate out there. Its all about the hate you bitches. Alberos of the world get people to hate one another so they serve his purposes. Look at his basic attack on the local governemnt. Broken light, take picture, complain its not fixed after Albero brings it on his blog, when the problem is fixed Albero claims credit. He's the big winner. Fuck him too. He aint shit but self inflated ego with a camera. Set up a strawman and knock him down. I'm fuckin impressed.
See here is the bitch of all this shit. Racism is a human invention. If everyone stopped being racist or hatefull tomorrow, it would go away. bansihed like fuckin mumps.
So there chew on that angry man rant shit for awile. and if you want more, just wait awhile. I am always out here tellin someone some shit they dont want to hear.
Wit, with all do respect, I sat on my hands and watched this blog nonsense for awhile without participating. There were always crazy incindiary remarks, but I noticed they kept getting worse. The short answer is that- the problem will not go away on its own, it will only continue to get worse.
That is until concerned citizens demand that it stop.
I agree that he feeds off of all of this and he needs a new hobby. It is obvious he is on our sites regularly reading and watching. You can always tell he is going to do something crazy when the commenting dies down and No Sympathy and I take a break.
I do not neccesarily hate Little Joey, I just realize that what he is doing needs to stop. He is not just some redneck kook posting on an internet, but someone that has a negative affect on the entire City.
I like a good discussion as much as anyone and I try to keep out of personality battles and focus on the policy side, but this situation is different.
I assure you that I am not just aimlessly posting in my spare time and throwing haymakers and hoping one sticks. There is a method to what I am doing here; an overall plan that I have been heading towards since the beginning. It has had a couple setbacks along the way, but we are moving along nicely.
I hope you continue to play our little game here. If it all goes accordingly to plan, then we can all walk out of here winners, regardless of where we stand on the issues. Well....almost all of us will walk out as winners.
ahh i think you took that wrong, nothing towards anyone here. Just yelling out loud amigo.
other side-
Great post! 50 idiot! points for you sir! Funny and its gotta be so true. I do not think people realize how much time it takes just to write a post every now and then, keep up with what people are saying, comment here and there and still work and have a life going out.
Joey posts many times a day, attends many events, apparently spends 8 hours a night stalking the Plaza making sure it is safe, attends all city meetings. Where does he get personal time?
Dad- It looks as though you are exasperated about what Joey has caused on the blogs with all the animosity and personal attacks. He has completely perverted a good thing. It is completely possible to have blogs with participants with differing points of view. What is neccesary is a common respect that is shared for others' perspectives. Disagreeing without being disagreeable.
Please do not give up hope for the blogs and the enlightenment and civic good that they can bring. Stick with us and give the blogs a little more of a chance and realize that it is possible to have great discourse without having to hold your nose while typing.
And I am working on something that I hope would fulfill your desires for information without all the personal bullshit.
Wit you seem really angry and your post are not what we are used to from you. I agree with No Sympathy, Joe is a danger to this community. I am just waiting for the day that he goes too far across the line. Maybe we can help this process. . .if you are brave enough . . . just make sure you have a witness and your camera ready. Walk up to the freak and introduce yourself and see what happens. When he knows your face, will he start stalking you?
I hate to tell you this, as I do not want to light your fuse, but:
Mumps has not been eradicated. It was nearly gone, but guess what? There has been a resurgence thought to have been caused by wetbacks.
Note to the PC cops. "Wetback" is a term used to describe a class of felons and misdemeanants that have crossed our border ILLEGALLY.
It is not used by me as a pejorative for Hispanic (or any other cultural group)people who are citizens or who are here in compliance with the law.
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