Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Breaking Down Joey's Lunacy

Another edition. Strap yourslef in. Lets go. Joey says...

It seems to me just more than a year ago Barrie Tilghman pulled a Press Conference and invited the entire Public to go visit each and every one of them. Now all of a sudden she thinks that IF you are not 100% behind her she wants to sue you with tax payers money to attempt to take away your freedom of speech.

This has nothing to do with 100% support as Joey is the only blogger that seems to keep getting sued.

Allow me to remind you and your attorneys of the most important message offered each and every day on my Blog Site Barrie Tilghman, “Salisbury News provides access to resources and other information on this Web site as a public service. Although reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that all electronic information made available is current, complete and accurate, Salisbury News does not warrant or represent that this information is current, complete and accurate. All information is subject to change on a regular basis, without notice.”

What the hell does that mean? Because you put that up you can libel at will? What is your legal rationale? Screw it, what is your reality-based rationale?

What Barrie is trying to do as well as Al Webster is spend YOUR money to go after someone like me in an attempt to shut us up.

I would think that they would be paying their own money to protect their reputation, no? If not, I do not blame them- its a public office, not an invite for public abuse. And they arent trying to shut "you all" up, just for you to stop libeling Joey. They do not want money, they want the libel to stop.

I find it VERY interesting that Duvafiles and Delmarva Dealings haven’t received any such letters.

Because they show that you can be sharp critics without being crudely personal or libeless. Get a clue. He is completely missing any shred of self-awareness or class. Does he really not see the difference?

I will remind everyone the FACT that she sicked the FBI on Bill Duvall, (unless he made that up) in an attempt to shut his Blog down a year or so ago as well.

I believe he was visited because he kept coming across embarrassing documents on the administration to the point that he was so far in her head, that when he stated he tapped into her computer she believed him. Completely different from the circumstances you have brought upon yourself.

They’ll go to any extreme to force the Public into believing everything that comes out of her mouth is in fact the truth and this just isn’t so. Heck, our own Lawyers caught Barrie in numerous lies just in depositions alone. Could it be called stretching the truth, instead? Nevertheless, I have freedom of speech backing me up and like it or not Barrie Tilghman needs to sue everyone, not just me.

This is the most shocking part of his posts (and Joey I know you are reading this- please play attention) is his complete lack of understanding of the First Amendment and the fact that it is not an all-encompassing bubble for him to hide under while he carries out his personal vendetta. If some of the Salisbury attorney's are reading this, please take pity on this poor man, break the blackballing for an afternoon and sit this poor shell of a man down and explain the ins and outs of Freedom of Speech.

In the end she will lose because she’s an egomaniac and in her mind she cannot be beat.

"Pot calling the kettle black" just does not do this quote justice. We need to start a new phrase to adequately capture the delusion- "Albero calling the IDIOT! Albero"?!? (50 Idiot! Points to the best saying.)

I will say this however, I like this attorney that’s representing her. His letter was extremely professional and not an attack. I did call him yesterday afternoon but he has yet to return my call. Perhaps he realizes I don’t get scared very easily?

This isnt a game Joey. They arent playing the vendetta game with you. These are real people's lives here. This is a real threat to you. Everyone knows that you have made libelous statements and cross the line on a regular basis. You will be given no benefit of doubt.

Remember Folks, this is your leader playing these games. You step on her toes and she’ll go to any extreme to discredit you. Hey Barrie, I don’t need credit! LOL

Yeah, you need help.

It is quite funny to see his rap sheet explicitly spelled out like that. Legal problems, anger management issues, inappropriateness, etc spelled out like that is hilarious. A vicious pimp slap to remind Joey of his standing in the community. The list could easy pass for a younger George W. with all that indiscretion. (Or a Kennedy, Gunpowder. Gotta be fair right?).

(hey, is that a fire in a theater???)


Gunpowder Chronicler said...

I'll give you the son of any political dynasty-- left or right, conservative or liberal, Democrat or Republican.

Although Kennedy *did* kill a young lady, where as W took out a collection of trash cans.

I loved your post-- although the red was a little hurtful on the eyes.

The Delmar Dego doesn't understand that libel is not free speech,and he doesn't understand where that line is (neither does his wife).

One correction: I doubt Al Webster is actually representing him. I don't think Al can actually practice law in Maryland any more. More probably Dale Watson.

Oh, and when do I get my Letter? I have made fun of Barry "Crying Game" Tilghman and Mike "Grupenfuhrer" Dunn (there! I did it again!). I am feeling left out.

Shower Head said...

I think hew was making reference to ME, El Jefe.

Lawyer Webster's name is Art, and I think your assessment of Art's law practice, or not, is correct.


GP and I are BEGGING you, the red is a bitch to read. Different font and or size would help. We would appreciate any consideration you can give to middle age eyes.

bye said...

Great rebuttal.
I agree on the Red it's tuff to read....I'm also glad to see someone carrying the ball as I just don't have the energy to tear into all his dribble and comment on each load of crap in a paragraph any longer.
I'll settle for being the comic section! LOL

bye said...

maybe a different background color!

Shower Head said...

Not to worry, there is a visability study underway.

See quote form below.

..."A visability study is in the works to see if this could in fact become a reality."

That is SOME news source. When "I" type "I" try not to use ALL CAPS, and I TRY to not put QUOTES around QUOTES I QUOTES.


If MaryJo was with child, does that make Teddy's count two deaths?

Shower Head said...

no Sympathy

If you never deliver one more kick to the bastard's balls, you have done your share.

The man is like a lying machine. I bet he cannot even lay in bed straight. [Upon rereading this I realized the double entendre LOL ], He has got enough mouth for 6 rows of teeth.

bye said...

thank you.
I noticed your accent came a bit ahhhhhh north!

bye said...

el jefe
As for Kegger Kennedy the real question they have to answer first is: Was he ever sober enough to "get-it-up" in order to make her pregnant!

Anonymous said...

I received an e-mail about 20 minutes ago advising me to check out Idiot's blog.

Against my policy of feeding his ego meter, I went and read the Delmar Dago's post about Barrie's letter.

It will be interesting to see if anyone can find a post he has deleted or edited to satisfy her attorney.

This could get to be very good.

bye said...

too late,
I'm sure anything incriminating has already been downloaded and saved in numerous locations.

Guarantee that happened before the letters ever went out.

Idiot! said...

Geez, I didnt realize the font was such a big deal. Hopefully it is fixed.

GP- I would add to that list the kids of wealthy parents. It is sad to see people with so much, just waste it away. It is the new problem of the suburbs.

And I am sure that all the offending posts have been documented. Little Joey is but a wiggling worm on a hook.

Idiot! said...


Were you serious about Dunn and Little Joey playing pool together?

That is a bombshell if true.

Idiot! said...


Were you serious about Dunn and Little Joey playing pool together?

That is a bombshell if true.

bye said...

NO.........I found those animations and had to figure out a way to fit it into our little soap opera we have here.
I can imgaine Mile wouldn't piss on joe if he was on fire!


bye said...

I sure hope that one day the real IDIOT is gone and we can all sit down and have a good laugh over a couple beers, or Wild Turkey.
It would be interesting to see who all of us actually are!

Shower Head said...

Sometimes my accent fades in and out.

Idiot! It appears as if the [visability] study worked! Muchas Gracias for changing the font, it is much easier to read.

If BPT sues him that will drag on forever. There will be much to blog about.

Absolutely on the get together, I imagine that we would all be surprised. Maybe we could get GP, since he is "out" to post a throwaway e-mail address for us to "register" ourselves so we could meet in private.--- Don't want Joe showing up with his camera.

ShoreNative said...

I just finished enjoying the letter from Mayor Tilghman's attorney. Sometime last weekend Joe disabled all access to his former blog that included pictures of the mayor and her daughter shopping, etc. It is interesting that he has been writing her numerous emails.

Will Joe's insane ego force him to continue his attacks? Does he really think that he is friends with Davis Ruark and that can somehow keep him out of trouble??

Gunpowder Chronicler said...

You can reach me at

However, I will MOST DEFINITELY be in Salisbury th 16th-18th, and you will probably be able to find me at City Bistro enjoying a cigar and Wild Turkey on the 16th, and most definitely on the 17th.

I am hard to miss. If you have seen the sketch on my blog, you'll pick me out.

Claude Slagenhop said...


Wear something photgenic, you know asshole will be there with his flash

Historical Wit said...

Hmmm interesting...a gathering of the minds. Interesting indeed.

bye said...

Of course you know I can't be there. I'm under threat of death by the "mafia". Ohhh the price you pay for for Dego Bashing!

Anonymous said...

NS, wear the fake nose, mustache and glases combo...No one will recognize you

bye said...

maybe I'll get a Prairie Dog Costume to wear. what ya think?

Anonymous said...

I would not be able to keep a straight face!! LOL

Idiot! said...

Joey goes off again about the Mayor, encouraging his minions to continue bashing her. He goes beyond commentary, and just keeps beating that horse into the ground.

I can tell that he is tempering his words and accusations, so maybe the lawsuits are working.

300 Idiot! Points for the person that ratted Joey out to the city for the building violations, as well as the naming of my first child in your honor.

Claude Slagenhop said...

Sbymews has scored ANOTHER scoop on the Tilghman Times.

I have not yet confirmed this (I know you ask so why print it?, because I CAN, and nobody can stop me), but a RELIABLE source tells me that a local manic millionaire has purchased the soon-to-be old firehouse. His plans are to open a QUALITY restaurant, where a MAN can smoke a ceegar, not like that joint down by Jannace, or the other joint with the full dumpster.

Folks trust me, this place will be FIRST CLASS!!!!!!!!!! I have seen the plans. This is the kind of place that Salisbury needs. The MAYOR –do you hear me Barrie?- will not do ANYTHING to get the downtown prospering again. She and the Chief allow the gangs to run wild, and cars to park ANYWHERE. I know for a FACT that she has had certain streetlights disables to save money because the city is BROKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Folks you will be surprised at how this man is going to fix this fine old building up. He has more money than GOD, just ask him, so money will NOT be a problem.

I have SEEN the menu. There will be: Baked Prairie Dog, Fried Prairie Dog, Boiled Prairie Dog, SautĂ©ed Prairie Dog, Prairie Dog Stew, Prairie Dog FlambĂ©’, Prairie Dog Casserole, Steamed Prairie Dog, Prairie Dog a’ la King.

There will also be Squirrel Soup, Stuffed Squirrel, Squirrel Tails, Squirrel Torte’, Squirrel Pie, Squirrel Glace, and Squirrel Nuts.

The wait staff will all be dressed as Zoo Keepers.

And the BEST part? The Mayor and Mikey and Bubba will not be allowed in. The nighttime hostess will be Doris. Also there will be NO Jack Daniels, so Al Webster will not park his butt on the bar stools. Folks lets all see if we can talk Sheriff Mike into being the bouncer.

bye said...

I guess I've done it Again!

JoeDirt said...

ROFLMAO It seems that Joe is now in his firefighter fantasy mode. He has a new pseudo personality--Salisbury Fire Fighter. Not only that he is hanging out at the watch desk making comments like a disgruntled firefighter. He is right in tight with all them good ol fire fighting boys. I'm sure they look up to him as an expert on running Fire Departments with all of his years of first hand experience. It is incredible how one man can know so much about everything. He must be some kind of genius.

Shower Head said...

He IS a genius, just ask him. he invented light.

Whare doe thees yoker Clhaude come off tehlling ME, El Jefe, that I can no drink my Yack Daniels¿

Clhaude, do Ju thin I woan kick jour ass ust like I kicked Jhoie's ass¿

Anonymous said...

He also decided today he was an expert on site design and zoning regulations. He thinks every property must stay up to date with the current building code, even if it was built 20 years ago.

What about his building... it is missing lights on the side of the exit doors... which are required by the building code.

Now all I get when I visit the site is "System Offline This site is currently offline"

Anonymous said...

Yup, Joe banned my account. I had to delete my cookies to get past his "site offline" message. When I log back in I get the "site offline" and have to delete my cookies to reaccess the site.

I guess that's what happens when you disagree with him.

bye said...

And you Expected What?
honesty and fair debate?

Idiot! said...

How dare you question his authority. Dont you know that he is never wrong? Dont let that happen again.

Very pathetic on his part. Admit you were wrong and move on. God, this is getting so repetitive.

bye said...

I am bored beyond belief with all this!

JoeDirt said...

Joe's new site is more hateful and nasty than his old one. I don't go to his site anymore. Someone need to post the decision of Zoo decision and Joe's wife's own testimony. Post that! What is that old saying about glass houses?