Monday, February 26, 2007

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Is it just me or is this whole Joey thing getting tiring and repetitive? I think that No Sympathy and myself alone accounted for about a third of Joey's "5000 hits a day" for awhile there in our mission to unmask the hypocrisy that is Joey. For Joey's defense he has come across many things that could be fixed in the city, but we all know that he has always taken the wrong approach and has been nothing but a detriment to Salisbury.

I don't care if you are against everything the current administration has done, if you are not devoid of independent thought you could see that the tone he has taken has done nothing to further mature debate about direction of the burgeoning town. Hopefully we have opened a couple eyes to the hypocrisy, not just provided comedic material for all the zoo folks out there.

I do not know how it can be so different, but looking at his site now, it just seems so retread. I believe it was in this forum that someone listed the 3 categories that a "Standard Albero Post" includes, but from then on out, I have seen that in all of his posts. He is constantly repeating himself and you can tell from the occasional lash out that he is remiss of the old attention he used to get. It is actually becoming predictable. Hopefully reading his blog hasn't poisoned my brain.

The whole point of this blog is to remind Joey that you cant keep predicting that the world is going to come to an end. Where are you taking your blog? Who are you going to conspire against? I am torn: Half of me is upset that we will have a completely different council next year due to the rantings and libel of one individual and half of me is excited to watch Joey turn on these council members that are coming in.

But it is getting tiresome. There is nothing on there, and even the immature personal attacks are no longer interesting. It is also getting to be less entertaining. Time to step up the crazy Joey.

Get out and vote tomorrow. As we do everything better than Joey, this blog will remain neutral with regards to which candidates to vote for but I would suggest that everyone votes for whom they want but also to vote for one candidate to piss Joey off. I suggest either Bubba or Harris.

PS: Joey, just because you own one property in the city does not mean that the city government has to work for you. Salisbury is not your fiefdom.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

NEW CONTEST: The Albero Factor- Spin Zone

The Albero Factor- Spin Zone: "Where We Spin the Truth Until We Can Claim Victory and Then Blame the Mayor"

Now it appears as if Joey has completely switched the slate of candidates that he is backing (I know, I know, he is not a resident) for the upcoming City Council Primary. He has completely dropped support for Harris, of course with no mention that he had originally supported, and up until recently, backed a FOB. He has instead given a special pat on the back to Bayne (congratulations Mr. Harris, you are off the Joey Hook!). In summations- Joey has backed a candidate that nobody likes and was the last one of the bandwagon for Spies/ Cohen/ Smith. Way to show that political wherewithal Joey.

I would like to start a contest that will run from now until a couple of days after the results are tabulated. I would like predictions on the following:

*What political announcements will Joey make before the election (vote totals, supporting, etc.)
*What will the actual outcome of the election be
*How will Joey spin the election results to show that he was indeed right, vindicated, insightful and a true political wonk

***Bonus points if you can correctly predict how he will tie this all in to blaming the Mayor and Rapp.

I believe Joey will lash out at all the FOBs and fluff his feathers about a new day a-risin. He will push the same slate as Duvalfiles with an extra push in there for Bayne. I predict one more last minute big lash out at somebody that isn't the Mayor or Bubba, as the tension of an upcoming election will be too much for him. Come primary time, Bubba and Ewalt will get the majority of the votes with the Spies/Cohen/Smith factions sharing the votes of the dissenters. Bayne will win the Joey/Hadley Award for "most voal support on a blog that translate to a barely statistically relevant finish", further cementing Joey's lack of political pull outside the loonie bin. Wrong in everything that he predicted, he will forget the new day a-risin and completely ignore that he was off the mark again and declare that he is responsible for the electoral defeat of Mike Dunn. He will subsequently insist that the mandate given to him by the adoring public directs him to continue his crusade against Rapp, the Mayor, and his quickly eroding sense of shame.

(If you managed to read through the previous paragraph without realizing that I have no clue how many candidates go through to the general election for the three council spots, then I am an amazing writer that deserves heaps of praise. What is the number of candidates running in the general?)

The commenter who manages to tap into the scariness that is Joey's brain and come out with the most accurate prediction will win 75 Idiot! Points before the awarding of bonus points. May the best IDIOT win.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Joey, You and Your Huge Ego Owe Me

Joey decided to lash out at the local blogs again in an effort to beat his chest and express his virility.

Starting with mine you state:

Idol, 6 comments in days!

I am not sure what that means, but I think it is important to point out that I had about the same number of comments for one post that you had for all of your blog at that point. (Minus, of course, the comments that Townie was able to put on there after cracking your high tech screening process).

You then go on to bash Gunpowder and Duvafiles, because they did not worship at the alter of Joey. Is there anyone out there that has disagreed with you and you were man enough to accept an other's opinion? Have you ever heard of disagreeing without being disagreeable? Grow up. Real men accept criticism and grow from it. You remind me of the Colbert Report quote that goes something like- "I believe the same thing that happened yesterday regardless of what happens today."

Then you blatantly kiss the ass of Monoblogue and Delmarva Dealings in a shameless attempt to curry favor with the remaining local bloggers that have not turned against you. Come on Joey, if you are going to do something, do it all the way. You have pissed off almost everyone on the Eastern Shore with a blog, and many of those without, so you might as well do it all the way. Go big or go home!

Regardless of your petty comments, it is obvious that your site is not as popular as you believed it would be. As has been predicted before- you take away the comments and your immature bullying and refusal to argue maturely on your flimsy opinions, and your site loses its readability. Your old blog was a literary car-crash, but it was entertaining nevertheless and helped feed your ever expanding ego. It is very obvious that you are stooping to your old sniping to draw attention to your blog, as you know that you aren't intelligent enough to form real opinions that makes people think and want to debate further. You are nothing but a tabloid, devoid of intellectual beliefs and views.

Be a man, posts your stories and opinions without unnecessary personal attacks, and don't continue to bring Salisbury down with your selfish vendetta.

PS- I think this comment slipped through the cracks, and I wanted to make sure that everyone got to enjoy it as much as I did-

We have them on tape, and on the record! WMDT’s special presentation of Vote 2007: Salisbury Decides is a success. We taped it Monday night, and our exclusive City Council Forum airs Saturday night, February 24th at 7:00 PM.

Excuse me? Weeeeeeeeee??? How much room was there for real citizens after Joey's inflated Delmar ego waddled into the room?
Hypocrisy, thy name is Joey!

Joey's blog starts off normal enough...

I happen to agree with one of the comments referencing the personal attacks need to stop. We will do all we can to make sure that happens.

Is Joey growing up? Were the anti-Joey blogs really the problem as Monoblogue and Delmarva Dealings have suggested?

Everyone knows she can’t say a word without slurring any time after 8:00 PM.
Tilghman didn’t have a thing to say to me directly, (pussy) and even as I looked over at him several times he purposely looked the other way.
(Side note- Joey gets mad if you say jackass and fuck, but it is ok to constantly say faggot and pussy?)
I do in fact hope that this message gets out there Matt Tilghman and as people Google your name they are going to read this post from my Blog and like it or not, you’re a piece of crap.
You’ve got a very big mouth and I can see where the two of you feed off of one and other.

These are all quotes/personal attacks from Joey in the first couple days on his blog. This is not including all the petty criticisms and opinions without merit that he has expressed. To the above blogs that have blamed my blog and others for the negative tone in the local political discussions, I will now accept your apology. Failing that, please defend your support of Joey and dismissal of what we are attempting to draw attention to and correct.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

My Response to Monoblogue

As one of the authors referenced in your post, I would like to comment to add my two cents to this discussion. I am not known for my brevity, so I will try to keep this short. I have contributed to the national political discussions on both conservative and liberal blogs of the Eastern Shore, debating issues and presenting points of view that I hope would give pause to those that had not completely made up their mind on a particular issue. However, there are times to debate the issues and times to recognize the vital role that certain players have in the political arena.

I started my blog on Joey as a result of my disgust at the unchecked havoc that Joey has ravaged in his vendetta against those whom he feels has wronged him. Joey has done much good for the citizens of Salisbury, but it has been mentioned before, and bares mentioning again is that all he has done has been done out of spite for those whom he is trying to bring down. The tone of the debate of Salisbury politics has been muddied by Joey’s strains to tie every perceived wrong in the City to his real and imagined enemies. He does not want to hold public officials accountable; he wants to punish them for personal slights that he has interpreted to be of an enormous nature. He has made this fight personal, not political. All of this dispite that fact that he is not a citizen of the city, county or even state.

On my site I merely attempt to draw attention to the hypocrisy of his posts and to embarrass him into a little journalistic restraint and integrity. I have tried to maturely debate him on the issues, however he has declined. He has however, posted under pseudonyms to cause trouble and throw insults. He brings nothing to the debate but finger pointing and accusations.

I would propose to you that while our websites may be excessive and appear to be immature, it is his hateful posts that cause trouble and are some of the worst that I have seen in my politically active life. Worse of all is that for awhile it appeared that many people believed that Joey had good intentions and began to follow him. Because of our attention to the truth, there has been some progress made of late with Joey as the tone of his posts have been a little more muted and his accusations a little more based in reality. Slowly but surely he is becoming someone who can positively impact the political discourse.

In starting my blog, I was relieved that many people have begun to see the crazy that pervades him, and I see more and more people turning away from his divisive rhetoric. I take no public sides in the local political debate, yet I do expect that an open and mature discussion of the issues, devoid of gossip and innuendo, be the centerpiece to the local debate. It is a cliché, but I truly believe that you should “disagree without being disagreeable”.

Friday, February 16, 2007

For the Record

In response to Joey's accusations of the anti-Joey bloggers, I would like to state that I am neither a member or affiliated with the zoo or the city administration. I have no ax to grind with Joey other than that of his behavior and its negative attitude.

Now, I know that there are some zoo members on here that are rightfully mad with Joey, but I could not believe that we have elected officials or there immediate families wasting their time on Joey. There truly is a great number of people that find his site and actions to be disturbing. His constant accusations to the contrary have moved from tiresome to paranoid delusional. I suggest that he seek help for these issues.

I see Joey having a Tilghmanesque press conference shortly directing the people to the anti-Joey blogs and asking them if they think those blogs take an overly negative tone against him in his anti-Salisbury campaign.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Petition to Bring Back Duvalies

I am disheartened as I am sure many of you are that Duvalies has been turned into a private blog. Although I didnt really comment on the site, I made a point to read it at least every couple of days. It was above and beyond the best local blog. Sometimes I had to check the url to make sure I was reading the correct site as the parody was that good. I think I saw that Iyeska even commented on its demise, stating her interest in the site.

That is why I would like to start a petition to the author of the site to bring it back for everyone to enjoy. Failing that, I would like to start a possible list of readers to be invited to participate in the new private website. Hopefully this post will reach Duvalies and we can get get an explanation to the sites untimely demise.
The Plot Thickens

A couple quick things before I open this up for discussion in the comments section:

1. This was on Gunpowder's blog so go over there and respond as well. Not really up on the whole linking thing, so if someone could provide a link to Gunpowder in the comments section I would appreciate it.

2. Graphix stated that he does not want this discussion on his blog, so please respond either here or at Gunpowder's blog.

3. This along with the expanded pictures at Yh8's site and the Professor's comments proves that Joey was not so truthful in his recount of this embarrassing situation. Why would a man who is in the wrong, blatantly lie about events at a well-attended public meeting, then go on the attack against those who disagree with him? He is the Karl Rove of the Eastern Shore!

4. I will be giving out Idiot! Points for the top notch comments. Barrieboop, you get Idiot! Points if you can string together a cohesive sentence without lashing out at anyone.

Now, without further ado, enjoy:

G®@pHïX said...Joe,You know I respect you, that is why I've chosen to remain silent in previous posts about this subject.But you keep posting about it and I have to say, I had quite a different point of view of the event. Please note before reading, I am in no way bashing Joe. I am merely stating what I saw.Not only were there 5 seats readily available in my row alone, but Joe wasn't exactly "standing idol" either. At least 3 times that I observed, he mumbled feedback to the person behind him about the exchanges between council members in the front of the room. I'll note that no other media member conducted in this manner that I had observed.I recall at least once, if not twice, he walked out of the room into the hallway just outside the door. There he spoke with someone and could be heard by those of us who remained in the meeting. After he and who I believe to be "Caterina" reentered the room, Joe returned to his spot and mumbled at least one other time before Dunn asked him to sit down. Dunn actually stated, "You can do whatever you want to do, just have a seat during the meeting".What Joe hasn't mentioned is that HE DID in fact SIT DOWN. In the empty seat that was right in front of the entrance and in the second to last row. Then he turned around, and spoke with the person sitting behind him while the meeting proceeded. Then he stood hunched over while continuing his conversation with the same person. When done, he stood fully and walked forward to his photo equipment that was still on the table closer to the front. That was the moment that Dunn stopped the meeting, repeated his request that Joe be seated this time Joe protested, and that's when Dunn stopped the meeting and instructed that he be removed.Again, I am not bashing anyone,I am only respectfully stating my recollection of the event. If it differs from that of others, so be it. I no have interest in debating or "peeing" over what I saw. I do not believe it would be appropirate for anyone else to bash Joe about this either. It was a stressful moment for all involved. When under such stress, folks can easily forget about subconcious actions that may have played a factor in such moments. If I were in Joe's shoe's I might have been equally as indignant over the event.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Cant Joey Just Take His Spanking Like a Man?

This man can not for one second just admit he was wrong or let a slight pass without beating his side into the ground and puffing his chest. I had lost my original comments, but it was probably for the best as it went on a tangent that included a story about Joey sticking Mike's family rabbit in boiling water.

My God, can people not see how crazy this man is? No matter what side of the debate you are on, can we not agree that this man is dangerous and needs to be stood up to?

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I Seem To Be A Popular Man Today?

The Daily Times wrote a somewhat slanted article on me today as the reporter who wrote it was right there in the room and saw the whole thing happen.

Was she muttering under her breath as well?

What gets me is, why isn't her opinion of the event involved?

Umm, because that is what a real journalist does?

Why didn't she mention Kate standing by my side when Mike Dunn insisted that only "I" sit down?

Because as has been previously stated, you mumbleda rude comment under your breath.

Oh well, "birdie" states they are considered Media and Professionals?????Over on Maryland Politics Today, Ken has drafter his version of what happened and even though he's in Laurel, Maryland, he's far closer to the truth than anyone else.

And the truth is that you were kicked out because Dunn telepathically knew you intended to put an offer down on a property that was not for sale?

Yet we're not MEDIA?So you know Mikey, I wasn't waiting in any parking lot for you! My vehicle was parked there, just as it has been for the past three years.

Also, him standing outside your window watching you sleep was nothing too I am sure.

I may not like you but you seriously don't have to worry about me. Where I grew up, men never hit girls.

Yeah, he just mericlessly bashes them in his attempt to bring down anyone that has wronged him.
Happy V-Day You Lovebirds!

Real men wear Argyle? Do you think they met on Adult Friend Finder as well? Hope you and your lover have a great day Joey!

Your Fellow Journalist,

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Idiot! of the Day: Caterina Maria

Today's winner is Salisbury University's own professor of Physics. If you have been looking at the comments sections in the various blogs today you would see that the professor has been busy. Apparently when she isnt teaching physics she dables in politics in history, as her expertise in those areas has allowed her to draw strikingly acqurate comparions between a man with a fondness for sweaters and orangized public meetings and a pshcyopathic murderer who was able to start a world war as well as find time to exterminate millions of Jews.

The tone that the professor takes is amazingly imature as she lashes out against a man whom she feels can do no wrong. I do not think I can do adequate justice to how rediculous I feel as though her behavior is as I do not see where all this anger is coming from. As misplaced and over the top as Joey's anger is, I believe that we can all admit that it at least has a identifiable origin (his vendetta against the city as a result of his wife's firing). Caterina on the other hand has not tipped her hand as far as I have seen to share with us why she takes such a personal hatred to public officials that she does not know.

Wherever her anger comes from, she has stepped up the comments recently, as well as stepping up the crazy. Maybe she caught Joeyitis? Congratulations Professor, you are the Idiot! of the Day!
Joey Makes Dunn Look Like True Leader

With much respect to those that have come before me and done this, I will now attempt to breakdown Joey’s reply to getting kicked out of the meeting. If you are one of those Joey backers/aliases, please feel free to stand up for your boy.

Last night's City Council Meeting was very short lived for me personally. As the 47 News Cameraman moved from one end of the room to the other, I actually stayed stable in one location where other citizens actually stood next to me because it was a packed house.

I find this hard to believe that he wasn’t moving around throughout the meeting. Do we even need to address the matter of the validity of his credentials or the purpose for taking numerous pictures of the same people?

Gary Comegys started lecturing the Public about financial situations for the City, including the TIF and one person stated, "this coming from a guy who declared bankruptcy himself!"

Now right here we have an incredibly offensive, personal attack against a public official. It is a stretch to say this is relevant point to be made, but it is indefensible to shout this out during a meeting.

Mike Dunn heard what had been said and he looked at me and asked that I sit down.

As Council President, Dunn is in charge of the meeting and took a proactive approach to address the distractions, as everyone knows that Joey is a flash point of this type of behavior. Correct me if I am wrong, but I doubt that Joey was standing there stone face at this point.

I kind of stood there for a second because here was 47 News all over the place, there weren't any real seats available, there were "other people" standing there with me he had not asked them to be seated, so I refused to sit down.

Joey makes a fair assessment of the situation here in that he has been singled out by the man in charge of the meeting. Let us see if he acts maturely to settle this conflict like an adult.

Instead, I clearly stated, I'm here to take pictures Mike. 47 News is all over the room, so why are you telling me to sit down and not anyone else?

Joey responds with the old “Everyone else is doing it,why cant I?” approach. So much for an mature resolution.

Mike stated he didn't believe I was "Media" and again instructed me to sit down in a seat.

I know media, and you sir are no media.

At that moment I refused to sit down as I am there to document the event through pictures and I kept thinking in the back of my head, he's not asking others to sit down, why should I?

Just cant listen to authority can you Joey?

Mike Dunn then motioned to Detective Tucker to come forward like a puppet and he said, "Eject Him Now."

The man in charge of a meeting ejects a disruptive presence. Nothing more, nothing less. I can guarantee that the meeting was a lot more civil when Joey left. A coincidence?

Keep in mind, Mike had stopped everything on PAC 14 and called for a 3 minute recess and after the Detective apologized to me and said, Joe, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
As I was gathering my things I turned to everyone and said, is this how you expect the Council to act?

Would you rather they get into a petty pissing match with you about what constitutes a member of the media? Or would you like a leader who takes charge of a meeting that is threatening to spiral out of control due to the tensions that have built up.

I turned to Mike and stated, you'll hear from my attorneys.

Haha, your attorney? Which one? I thought you managed to piss off the entire MD Bar?

However, I've thought about that and you know what, it's a waste of time.

A rational thought hits our Idol!

Mike Dunn is a "has been" in a few more weeks, I'm going to let this one go.

Oh, when he kicks you out, you let it go, but you wont let it go on your blog or when he asks you to step down?

However, I did leave Mike a message on his car windshield last night reminding him that I do have proof he has lied to the Public.

Just a little creepy there Joey. Did you write the message in lipstick?

Yes Mike, that was my doing.
Oh, believe me, there's lots more where that came from too. See Ya at the next meeting Mikey! IMO, there needs to be a "Vote Of No Confidence" brought up against Mike Dunn.

Put it on record and lets see if Joey keeps his word on this threat.

He is clearly not focused, he is not acting professional and he needs to step down as President of the City Council till his time is over.

Personal attacks, stalked by a man with a camera, disruptive residents. Jeez, I wonder why he is not 100% into what is being presented.

Why do I smell the same thing coming for Stevie Prettyman? In her case it would be a vindictive move while in Mike Dunn's case it would be to save respect for the City Council!
It reminds me of a joke I heard one day where a guy walks up to another guy in a Bar and says, got any pictures of your wife naked? The other guy responds, NO! He then says, wanna buy one? LOL

Now what is this Joey? A threat? We are on you now Joey, either man up with the proof or be quiet. Don’t just puff out your chest, be a man. What ever happened to “Walk softly and carry a big stick”? And is this threat appropriate for a man who met his lovely wife on a swinger website?

Monday, February 12, 2007

Alleged Business Partner of Joey's Speaks Out

(Joey is not arrested as he took this post off of his blog this morning. When I originally wrote this I was sceptical of these claims, but his censorship of this quote only serves to offer validity to what the commentor was saying. You be the judge)

xray said...

I am from Texas and does anybody know how to get in touch with Joe Albero? Is he alive??
I have been a good paying customer of his company Illumination Technology for years and now he won't even return a simple phone call and I have done nothing to deserve this except pay my bills on time...He has left me High and Dry with nothing to tell or sell my customers.. It has been over 3 months since he shipped me any products and now I am loosing business. I have left repeated voice mails and faxes to his home and business reagarding my orders. Does he still have a company called Illunination Technology? Inquiring minds want to know!!!!
By reading the various blogs about Joe, I would have never guessed he would be this way?? Hmmm. Hey Joe, You know who this is so please pick up you ____! phone and call me. I have tried everything else. I will be posting this information on other publications I have found in an attempt to get my products.

10:41 PM

Is this guy for real? I think it is bogus and too good to be true.

Let us objectively look at his post.

He says he has been trying to get up with Joey for months to buy more products, however Joey is allegedy retired and so there is no reason for Joey to ignore this gentlemen, as he never states that Joey owes him money.

I also dont think it is true because Joey apparently loves to talk about his company and lightbulbs all the time, and wouldnt pass up an opportunity like this.

Never would have guess he would be this way?? Are there a bunch of pro-Joey blogs out there I have seen yet!?! How could he not expect Joey, if this is on the level, to not be shady?!

The funniest part of xray's post is his vague threat to post this information about Joey on the other local blogs. If you read even a random sampling of these blogs you will realize that Joey has no shame and that a rational call to his sensibilities would not give the desired results.

I think this guy may be too good to be true and it will fade away.

Stay tuned to see how the bully responds to this post....
Idiot! Points

To encourage participation and recognize those that truly bring joy to the anti-Joey blogosphere, I will begin to distribute Idiot! Points. Every 100 Idiot! Points received will entitle you to one (1) case of UV Lightbulb Plastic Covers.
Idiot of the Day

I will also start a daily feature in which I will recognize an official Idiot! of the Day for whatever reason I see so fit. As there is no hypocrisy in the world of Joey, there will be no hypocrisy in the determination of this award- I will unilaterally single someone out as I see fit to either disparage or lionize without consideration to previous statements or positions.

The inaugural winner of this award of course goes to a man who needs no introduction: the Eastern Shore’s own Joey Albero!!!

Congratulations Joey, you are today’s Idiot! of the Day!

Because we all know that Joey reads these blogs, feel free to leave a message for Joey letting him know that how much you appreciate his idiotness.

Your suggestions for future winners of Idiot! of the Day will also be gladly accepted.
Like the Prodigal Son I Have Returned

The time has flown by (but no alias blogger role I see! Tisk tisk), but I am glad to see that the anti-Joey blogosphere is still active (although I am a little confused about the Paranoia and the Homunculus Photog website’s recent renovations), and it looks like there is much action to be discussed.

While I may not have been absent from posting- oh no, I am glad Joey didn’t call me out for not posting as many times as he sees fit for a blog to post, I promise I will step up my game Joey- I was still around making comments and putting my two cents in. The height of my week came from my first person-to-person interactions with our Eastern Shore Idol. I attempted to maturely discuss with Joey his negative actions, but I was rebuffed as he merely called me an Idiot (so clever that Joey), as he corrected me on a technicality and summarily dismissed me.

I acknowledged my small oversight and played the bigger man, restating my request to engage him in an intellectual conversation about the hypocrisy that he has brought to Salisbury. He declared that I could not sucker him into a rational, mature and intelligent conversation, and he was right- no more dialog for me as he continued his petty attacks on Jannace.

Any suggestion on what you should call a man who does not respond to another man’s polite personality critiques, yet instead chooses to devote his attention to picking on a man with whom he knows and has dirt on? What kind of man only goes up against those he can bully? Hmmmmm.

As a side note, and he reads this site, is the man posting as Hadley really Jannace?

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Weekend Homework Assignment

1. We need a comprehensive timeline of all things Joey so I can explain to my girlfriend and friends why the hell I am doing this. Leave comments about factual events in Albero v. The Eastern Shore and I will combine them and make it all tidy and neat. No nonsense please, I dont want to have to erase anything. Keep it truthful, as reality is crazy enough.

2. I also want to compile a list of all the alias that Joey has used to promote interest in his site. You must state a reason why you believe the name you are outing is indeed our fearless hero in disguise. If you find yourself on this list and you are NOT Joey, you will be given the opportunity to defend yourself before a final judgement is made.
Speed Round

There is too much good stuff to write about today and not enough time. We need to do a speed round because the girlfriend is complaining about wasting time on this instead of hanging out with her. (As an aside Joey: I get whined at when I spend 25 minutes reading and posting on the blogs, how do you get away with posting 25 times a day- with pictures- as well as perusing all the blogs to see what everyone is saying about you? Does your wifey even want to hangout with you?).

I began to write about Joey’s comments about the bias of the Daily Times, and the tsunami of sarcasm flowing through my brain temporarily blinded me and my head almost exploded. Literally. Even thinking of it now, the room is starting to spin and I am going to have to lay down. I am going to need a couple of days before I can properly lampoon this. For God’s sake the man was complaining about improperly posted pictures and libel!!!!

Here we go-

*States Daily Times is absolutely NOT moving. Quickly corrected as being wrong. If you want to call yourself a journalist instead of a blogger or editorialist, then you gotta at least have some standards!

*Seriously, is this “I’m buddy buddy with the cops” thing going to last?

*Shocker, more dumpster pictures.

*Joey made a pun!! “DeFense”. Yuck yuck.

*The horse Joey is backing in the election is quickly being exposed as possibly the worst of the bunch. Does this man have any taste and/or judgment that is even close to being on target?

*Did he just bash Bush? Is Joey a Democrat? How can you be filled with so much hate and call yourself a Democrat? My head is starting to spin again, we need to wrap this up.

*Cohen explains the whole Daily Times thing that is only a “thing” because of hysterical postings by Joey. It is doubtful that Joey realizes the hypocrisy of the conflicting posts.

*Here an FOB, there an FOB, everywhere an FOB!

*Joey puts out poll insinuating bout COEIU again. Is this another dig at Duvafiles? Pretty soon I am going to be Joey’s only blogging friend left.

*When you have a serious pending case, is it smart to be pissing off the Chief of Police? Two knuckleheads start butting heads, who is going to say “uncle” first?

All in all, nothing too ignorant on Joey’s part. Joey has even allowed dissenters to correct him AND amazingly he has kept the corrected comments on the blog. Does this mean Joey is making emotional growth? Like a chemically unbalanced addict we are going to have some victories and some setbacks, but I think we are slowly training him back into a productive member of society. I take all responsibility for the baby steps forward.