Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Joey, You and Your Huge Ego Owe Me

Joey decided to lash out at the local blogs again in an effort to beat his chest and express his virility.

Starting with mine you state:

Idol, 6 comments in days!

I am not sure what that means, but I think it is important to point out that I had about the same number of comments for one post that you had for all of your blog at that point. (Minus, of course, the comments that Townie was able to put on there after cracking your high tech screening process).

You then go on to bash Gunpowder and Duvafiles, because they did not worship at the alter of Joey. Is there anyone out there that has disagreed with you and you were man enough to accept an other's opinion? Have you ever heard of disagreeing without being disagreeable? Grow up. Real men accept criticism and grow from it. You remind me of the Colbert Report quote that goes something like- "I believe the same thing that happened yesterday regardless of what happens today."

Then you blatantly kiss the ass of Monoblogue and Delmarva Dealings in a shameless attempt to curry favor with the remaining local bloggers that have not turned against you. Come on Joey, if you are going to do something, do it all the way. You have pissed off almost everyone on the Eastern Shore with a blog, and many of those without, so you might as well do it all the way. Go big or go home!

Regardless of your petty comments, it is obvious that your site is not as popular as you believed it would be. As has been predicted before- you take away the comments and your immature bullying and refusal to argue maturely on your flimsy opinions, and your site loses its readability. Your old blog was a literary car-crash, but it was entertaining nevertheless and helped feed your ever expanding ego. It is very obvious that you are stooping to your old sniping to draw attention to your blog, as you know that you aren't intelligent enough to form real opinions that makes people think and want to debate further. You are nothing but a tabloid, devoid of intellectual beliefs and views.

Be a man, posts your stories and opinions without unnecessary personal attacks, and don't continue to bring Salisbury down with your selfish vendetta.

PS- I think this comment slipped through the cracks, and I wanted to make sure that everyone got to enjoy it as much as I did-

We have them on tape, and on the record! WMDT’s special presentation of Vote 2007: Salisbury Decides is a success. We taped it Monday night, and our exclusive City Council Forum airs Saturday night, February 24th at 7:00 PM.

Excuse me? Weeeeeeeeee??? How much room was there for real citizens after Joey's inflated Delmar ego waddled into the room?


Anonymous said...

No, No, NO!!

We did not go there for his cogent, well-thought-out opinions.

We went to look at the pictures of parked cars. It was handy for those of us who live in the sticks to see what a parked car looks like.

People, when you think back to his photographic exposés on the sewer system, you have to wonder what was truth and what was hyperbole.

At the time we thought that he was doing some public good, but now that we see him for what he is, it makes you wonder, "Was he lying just to increase the hits on his all important site meter?

Answer: Probably.

JoeDirt said...

Actually I went to his site to see the over flowing trash cans. . . .

bye said...

I'd love to comment but according to Joe I no longer exist.
But the weather is warming up and I don't know how much longer I can keep the Priarie Dogs at bay. They are getting anxious to come out and play!
The fact is his .com site is so piss poorly designed that it takes forever just to navigate through a couple of his "attack posting". I keep looking for comments and good back and forth about the issues but it ain't there! It's the same ole same ole.
Personnaly I think his ratings were higher when we were beating on the worthless bigot! At least the readership had both sides and my warped sense of humour to giggle at!

jcinsby said...

He is getting very few comments. The only people commenting are a few un-enlightened people who haven't figured him out yet. Why would anyone give him their email address, just to respond on his blog? He would just attack your mailbox. He would love to have everyone's email address but I think most people are too smart to give him that piece of info. Thankfully, there are blogs that allow people to disagree with his asinine behavior.

bye said...

I agree with you 100 percent.
I think he gets a huge woodie everytime he runs someone into the ground. Why would anyone want him to know who they were? Hell that's just asking to get crusified!

Idiot! said...

He used to have so many people commenting, but his inability to have a rational debate and come to a knowledgable conclusion has chased away so many people.

Graphix is the prime example. The guy completely fell for Joey's "Clean up Salisbury" rah-rah nonsense and wanted to help. But when he called Joey out on a trivial issue, Joey turned on him. He put his own self desires (the vendetta against the mayor) above the greater good of the city he claims to care about. WAKE UP.

atroxi said...

It's a case of taking his ball and going home. Still, it's his site and he sets the rules, but no-one wants to play anymore.

Still, it doesn't stop people from stopping by to see what, if anything will happen next. Internet rubbernecking, as it were.

Historical Wit said...

I visit his site to refresh the anger that burns inside me. Plus I like to read the scribble of a 5th grader.

Historical Wit said...

Looks like caterina changed her name to reflect reality, shes actually using Kate now. Good for her.

G®@pHiX said...

I didn't "completely" fall for Joe's rah rah. On the contrary, I think he fell for mine. When I first came to the scene he was spewing how he "wasn't going to clean nothin". After I called him out to be a part of the solution, he was a no show. Look who's cleaning the graffiti now!

Since then he has accused me for criticizing him "elsewhere" based on some assumption. When prompted to lay out his accusation so that I may defend my name, he swallows his comments and makes not a peep.

You may not find me visible on the blogs for there is not much more for me to say without becoming repetitive. Joe still compliments Slak by posting his work for him, still has graffiti on his building, and is still going about a solution the wrong way according to this retired graffiti enthusiast. So rather than re-respond and re-respond again. I go on to better ways of spending my time.

I don't attack him, and don't think I ever have, I've been quite careful not to. I have however been critical of his methodology and have gone toe to toe with him on many occasion.

Honestly, I feel sorry for him. In real life, he is oblivious as to when I or any of his blog's victims are staring him right in the face. I've actually been face to face with him on multiple occasions, even interacted a little for kicks. Did he know this? Nope.

If he keeps his current pattern up, he'll one day find himself facing a bad situation with a very angry blog victim. If that doesn't happen first, he'll start becoming paranoid of the realization, that we are all around him, watching, judging, and for some, brewing. I feel sorrow for what is ahead in this one's life.

It is rather funny that people have referred to him as "Jack". Go get the lyrics and while you read them listen to this catchy little number at Jack Johnson's Myspace:
"Staple it Together".

Idiot! said...

Good posts Graphix. 20 Idiot! Points for you! You are right, you didnt really fight with him. I do believe you were the only one to ever stand up to him without switching to imaturity in anger. He also allowed your dissent to stay for awhile and he didnt choose to lash out at your personally, most likely because he did not know you.

That should tell you something about Joey- he doesnt know you, he will creep away quitely rather than stand up for himself.

I too know a little about graffiti, not a writer but still, and I know you are 100% correct in what you say on it. This isnt gang markings, but some lonely and artistic white kid that is trying to be edgy and rebellious. Putting it up there is just making this kid work harder and get more invested. Slak is probably the reason that Joey's hits are apparently through the roof.

I dont think it is going to be a blog victim that gets Joey in the end, but someone he pisses off in person. It is real easy to delete comments and get big online, but he is slowly carrying the braggado into the real world and that is going to end badly. But you are right that he is on a downward spiral, more and more confrontation and adament in his stance. He feels constantly validated in his actions. His slow unraveling at City Council meetings is a perfect example. It used to be a couple distractions here and there and now he feels like he is the one running the meetings and should be allowed to do as he wishes.

Historical Wit said...

Funny thing about about Joey, sometimes I dont think he knows two bits about shit. In this article, he says the Rapps, James and Denise, and someone check me if I am wrong, are crap for buying a house. Now I haven't persoanlly talked to either Rapp in awhile, but isnt his father names James? Isn't Jim Rapp married to a woman named Cheryl? I don't know the Rapps all that well, but I went to college w/ Cheryl. Joe's article doesn't add up. I think Jim Rapps dad bought that house, I could be wrong, but until proven differently, there is reason to doubt.

Anonymous said...

Joey has buddied up to the paid firefighters and taken up their banner for unionization.

In return, they are visiting his site in droves to boost his numbers, and some are even registering and commenting.

The poor soul will do ANYTHING to boost his ego. It just sad.

He is using these firefighters, and will drop them like a hot potato (sorry) as soon as the election is over.

Gunpowder Chronicler said...


Actually, Joe has buddied up to a couple of the volunteers who are more concerned about their own political fiefdoms than firefighting... that is who is whining.

Joe only ever gets 1/2 the story, and the 1/2 he gets is usually wrong.