Thursday, February 1, 2007

Speed Round

There is too much good stuff to write about today and not enough time. We need to do a speed round because the girlfriend is complaining about wasting time on this instead of hanging out with her. (As an aside Joey: I get whined at when I spend 25 minutes reading and posting on the blogs, how do you get away with posting 25 times a day- with pictures- as well as perusing all the blogs to see what everyone is saying about you? Does your wifey even want to hangout with you?).

I began to write about Joey’s comments about the bias of the Daily Times, and the tsunami of sarcasm flowing through my brain temporarily blinded me and my head almost exploded. Literally. Even thinking of it now, the room is starting to spin and I am going to have to lay down. I am going to need a couple of days before I can properly lampoon this. For God’s sake the man was complaining about improperly posted pictures and libel!!!!

Here we go-

*States Daily Times is absolutely NOT moving. Quickly corrected as being wrong. If you want to call yourself a journalist instead of a blogger or editorialist, then you gotta at least have some standards!

*Seriously, is this “I’m buddy buddy with the cops” thing going to last?

*Shocker, more dumpster pictures.

*Joey made a pun!! “DeFense”. Yuck yuck.

*The horse Joey is backing in the election is quickly being exposed as possibly the worst of the bunch. Does this man have any taste and/or judgment that is even close to being on target?

*Did he just bash Bush? Is Joey a Democrat? How can you be filled with so much hate and call yourself a Democrat? My head is starting to spin again, we need to wrap this up.

*Cohen explains the whole Daily Times thing that is only a “thing” because of hysterical postings by Joey. It is doubtful that Joey realizes the hypocrisy of the conflicting posts.

*Here an FOB, there an FOB, everywhere an FOB!

*Joey puts out poll insinuating bout COEIU again. Is this another dig at Duvafiles? Pretty soon I am going to be Joey’s only blogging friend left.

*When you have a serious pending case, is it smart to be pissing off the Chief of Police? Two knuckleheads start butting heads, who is going to say “uncle” first?

All in all, nothing too ignorant on Joey’s part. Joey has even allowed dissenters to correct him AND amazingly he has kept the corrected comments on the blog. Does this mean Joey is making emotional growth? Like a chemically unbalanced addict we are going to have some victories and some setbacks, but I think we are slowly training him back into a productive member of society. I take all responsibility for the baby steps forward.


CC said...

I just want to say that as someone with a BA in English and a concentration in journalism, that man is NOT a journalist. In fact, he's assumption to the contrary is an insult to anyone who writes for a living -- period. Blogging in his case is nothing more than gossiping with his girlfriends in line at Giant.

Anonymous said...

The man i a total wimp. Back on October the 10th (I think that was the date) I knocked him on his behind when he made a rude comment about my wife.

Posted with my Whizbang Palm Treo

whocares! said...